MAT 2023 May Session Dates Out: Registration Open

MAT 2023 May Session Dates Out

New Delhi: The All India Management Association has released the AIMA MAT 2023 schedule for the May session and has also begun the registration process for MAT 2023 on the official portal @
Candidates intending to appear for the AIMA MAT 2023 exam can apply by creating a login ID at the AIMA MAT website. Candidates having a graduate degree in any discipline and final year students who are currently pursuing their graduate degree are eligible to apply for MAT 2023.

The MAT score will be accepted at certain institutes for granting admission to the post graduate degree/diploma programmes. The acceptance will be subject to specific cut-off marks and other admission parameters.

The MAT 2023 registration fee of the May 2023 session for remote proctored internet-based test (IBT) or paper based test (PBT) or computer based test (CBT) is INR 1950 and for double remote proctored internet-based test (IBT) or PBT+IBT or PBT+CBT or CBT+IBT or CBT+CBT is INR 3100.

MAT 2023: Important Dates

Tabulated below is the schedule of the MAT May 2023 exam in PBT, CBT and IBT modes.

Events  Important Dates 
Last date for PBT registration May 16, 2023
PBT admit card May 18, 2023
PBT test date May 21, 2023
Last date for CBT 1 registration May 9, 2023
CBT 1 admit card May 11, 2023
CBT 1 test date May 14, 2023
Last date for CBT 2 registration May 30, 2023
CBT 2 admit card June 1, 2023
CBT 2 test date June 4, 2023

The AIMA will release the MAT May 2023 result by the second week of June 2023. All the provisionally registered candidates for IBT/PBT will be able to download their AIMA MAT 2023 admit card from the MAT website.

MAT 2023 Registration: How to Apply? 

Candidates can go through the following steps for MAT 2023 registration;

Step 1: Go to the official AIMA MAT website @

Step 2: Register yourself by entering Name, Phone Number, Email ID, Date of Birth and set a password.

Step 3: An OTP will be sent on the registered mobile number. Verify the phone number using the OTP, after which login will be sent to your email address.

Step 4: Now, Login by clicking on the “Login” button and proceed to the next step.

Step 5: Next, you need to choose up to two cities as your MAT 2022 exam centre location and Select preferred test cities for exam centre allotment (For MAT IBT mode select 'Test City' from the drop down).

Step 6: Upload all the necessary documents such as passport size photo, signature and fill your personal details, academic record, work experience and five preferred B-schools

Step 7: Finally, preview the application form, pay the requisite fee, and click on the submit button to make final submission.

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