Mohanlal Sukhadia University Prepares for Online Exams for Final-Year Students

The officials of Mohanlal Sukhadia University (MLSU) Udaipur are preparing for the probable online examinations of undergraduate and postgraduate students in their final year.

The state government has asked universities not to hold examinations for any classes; however, the University Grants Commission (UGC) has been insistent on advising universities to hold examinations for undergraduate and postgraduate students in their final year.

MLSU is working on a pilot project for online examinations. The vice-chancellor of the university held a meeting with the examination controller and the deputy registrar to discuss the technicalities and issues involved in the process. The vice-chancellor said that the new examination pattern would prove seminal in the career of the university students.

To test the feasibility of the pilot project, certain teachers would be asked to solve MCQ papers with a duration of two hours. Modules are being developed and 25, 50 and 100 teachers respectively at various levels will take the online examination to check the practicality of holding the online examination.

Students may solve the question papers through smartphones. They can also opt for an open book examination (OBE). The vice-chancellor has recommended that centres be created for students who do not have smartphones. The online examination project report would be sent for approval to the governor and the state government in August.
