TS PGECET Round 2 Seat Allotment Result 2020 released at pgecetadm.tsche.ac.in; Get Direct Link Here

TSCHE has released the result of the TS PGECET 2020 round 2 seat allocation at pgecetadm.tsche.ac.in. Check the results for TS PGECET round 2 seat allocation 2020 here.

The Telangana State Higher Education Council (TSCHE) announced the results of TS PGECET 2020 round 2 seat allocation on 1 January. The result of the TS PGECET 2020 round 2 seat allocation is available on pgecetadm.tsche.ac.in. Applicants need to enter their hall ticket numbers and PGECET ranks or GATE/GPAT scores to check the result of the TS PGECET 2020 round 2 seat allocation.

Also Read: TS PGECET 2020: List of Participating Colleges

Steps to Check TS PGECET Seat Allotment Result 2020

  • Go to the TS PGECET website @pgecetadm.tsche.ac.in
  • Select the “TS PGECET seat allotment 2020” link
  • A new page will open on the sceen. Enter hall ticket numbers and PGECET ranks or GATE/GPAT scores
  • No click on "Submit" to check TS PGECET round 2 seat allotment result 2020

TS PGECET Seat Allotment Result 2020: What to do Next?

Selected candidates must report to allotted colleges between 2 and 7 January 2021 to confirm their seats online and pay the required TS PGECET 2020 seat allocation fee.

The Examining Authority allocated seats based on the ranks obtained by the candidates in TS PGECET 2020, their options entered during the selection and availability of seats in institutions and courses.

Also Read: TS PGECET 2020 Counselling for the Final Round Begins Today, December 17
