Unipune Postpones Practical Exams to 2nd Semester; Check Details Here

Unipune: Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU) has decided to delay all the project exams, practicals, viva voice, and seminars of 1st-semester students to the 2nd semester. 

The director of examination and evaluation, SPPU, Mahesh Kakade said that this decision is taken since colleges are still closed because of which students are unable to give their practicals. 

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He further said, “The kind of exposure in a laboratory that the Unipune students are expected to get has not happened this year. After a discussion with all boards of studies and other bodies of the university, it was decided that while the theory examinations conducted by the university will happen as per the plan, the practicals will be pushed to the next semester.” 

However, students will still be required to fill the Unipune forms in a regular manner. Further students will be required to mention their willingness to appear for the practical exams in the forms.

SPPU had previously conducted a council meeting to discuss the reopening of colleges. The council came to the conclusion to open the Unipune affiliated colleges in the 1st or 2nd week of January. Measures like social distancing, temperature check, sanitization, and oxygen check will be enforced as security measures. 

Read More: Decision on Reopening of Pune Colleges at Today’s Council Meeting: Check Details Here 
