Patna University has better colleges compared to Patilputra University. Most colleges associated to Patilputra University don’t take regular classes. Often sessions are late at Patilputra University as well. At Patna University classes are regular.
However, PPU colleges like A N College and College of Commerce are good and can be compared to Panta University colleges.
Patna University conducts an entrance examination for admission. If you want to get admission to any college under Patna University, you will have to fill out the college form and appear on the entrance test.
After the result is declared, the university will publish the cutoff list. Check whether you are qualifying the cutoff according to your caste section. After that, you can go ahead with your admission procedure. So, try to perform well and secure a good score on the entrance test.
For an average student the entrance exam is mostly easy. The test is of 100 marks and there is no negative marking. Here are some things you should know about it.
The questions will be based on General Knowledge and Aptitude which will be of 25 marks. And the rest of the 75 marks will be based on your subject. Make sure that you are well aware of the current trends and affairs.
This majorly depends on the college you are studying and the scope of the subject you are pursuing. This will vary from person to person, as their preferences will differ from one another.
One of my friends studied at Patna University for UG courses. As per him, the academics and faculty are neither good nor bad but have maintained an average performance overall. Patna University is mainly popular for its department of English Honours. They are said to have the best and well-experienced faculty members.
It is suggested that if you as a student are dedicated towards your studies and are able to work hard on your own then no matter the institution, you will definitely be successful in your career.
More than 80% of the female students of Patna University and in the colleges under the same like Magadh Mahila College, P Women’s College, PSC, etc. They promote the education of women. Patna University is backed by the state government and is one of the 20 best universities in the country.
Categories | Patna University | Jawaharlal Nehru University |
Placement Percentage | 60-80% | 80-90% |
Highest CTC | 16-18 LPA | 22-28 LPA |
Average CTC | 3-6 LPA | 15-16 LPA |
The highest package offered to the students of JNU can be as high as INR 12-15 LPA. Some of the top recruiters include Oracle, Siemens, Wipro, Cognizant, Google, Amazon, etc. Comparing Patna University and JNU might not be justified, as both stand in different leagues of colleges.
No, BHU is much better than Patna University. It is one of the best universities in the country. BHU offers great academics and facilities to students. You will be among great peers as students are selected for admission based on their performance in the entrance test. BHU has the biggest residential campus in the country and the campus experience is unparalleled.
Patna University UG admission 2022 will be based on the performance of students in the entrance exam. The syllabus for B.Sc entrance Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics/Biology, G.K., and Aptitude. The total mark is 100. Here is the section-wise mark division.
Section | Marks |
Physics | 30 |
Chemistry | 30 |
Mathematics/Biology | 30 |
G.K and Apptitute | 10 |
In the entrance, there will be questions on the topics covered in 10+2.