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Is IIM Ahmedabad really worth doing? If I somehow clear the entrance exams, then will I get satisfied with the placement/package that they will provide me?

Ria Kapoor Posted On : November 23rd, 2022
Studies at Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (Expected 2023)

I hope you get into IIM Ahmedabad and answer this question yourself a few years from now. Because your answer will definitely be yes! IIM Ahmedabad was really worth it.

You might think I am saying this because of the high salary packages and excellent placements. But no. These factors are important but not in the long run. Obviously you will be offered more than expected salaries but do you think that is enough to satisfy you?

The most important thing you will learn at IIM Ahmedabad is the various opportunities you could have otherwise missed. The opportunity to give a chance to various conventional career options, the freedom to explore the uncharted career streams and the confidence to succeed or fail and stand up back again in them. All this is much more valuable than the stellar package you will be offered.

One additional advantage at IIM Ahmedabad is that you can defer your admission if you want to get experienced first. Also you can sit for placements later if you want to first work on your own startup. All these merits make IIM Ahmedabad worthwhile.

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How did Yogesh Jindal learn finance concepts taught at IIM Ahmedabad? Did he take any special coaching?

Shweta Arora Posted On : November 23rd, 2022
Studied at Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad

My sister was in Yogesh Jindal’s batch and had asked about his understanding of finance concepts. He told her that initially he thought finance was rather a tough one for him but he utilised the maximum resources available and managed to score good marks even without coaching classes. Some tips he shared along the way are:

  • Attending remedial classes: Remedial classes are organised by seniors who have already understood the concept. It helps in adding points to their CV while for us we get free knowledge from the best.

  • Group discussion: Make friends that will help you clear any doubts.

  • Preparing before the class: We usually ignore this crucial step. Preparing before the class helps in better understanding of the concepts

  • Interact with teachers: Take help from your teachers in case of any queries inside or outside the class. It’s better to clear doubts in the class than regret it later.

Yogesh Jindal did not necessarily employ extensive means to score well. He simply had put a lot of effort in basic things and paved his own way.

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Am I eligible for IIM Ahmedabad with 10th 87.83%, 12th 78.2% and graduation BSc 88%?

Ayush Raj Posted On : November 23rd, 2022
MBA from Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (Graduated 2020)

Past academics are now taken into consideration for the admission into IIMA. I have tabulated the data for past academic criteria below

Percentage Range

10th (% of batch in this range)

12th (% of batch in this range)

Graduation (% of batch in this range)





















So from the above table we can infer that for the 10th class you fall in the 13% category which is still hopeful. But for the 12th class you fall in the 3.6% category. So your chances of getting into IIMA are less although not completely impossible. Exceptions are always there.

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Should residents of Ahmedabad skip IIM Ahmedabad, to avoid constant disturbance from family members, and try for IIM Calcutta or IIM Bangalore instead?

Prateek Tade Posted On : November 23rd, 2022
M.B.A. from Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (Graduated 2021)

I wouldn’t say that as a student of IIM Ahmedabad and also a resident of Ahmedabad, visits from your family members will be a problem. This is because the maximum duration of your day will be spent in classes, studying for exams or assignments. You will not even have the time to be disturbed by your family members. It’s not that big of a factor that might change your decision to go to IIM Calcutta or Bangalore rather than IIM Ahmedabad. Moreover chances are that you might face some health issues and it's to your advantage as an Ahmedabad resident that your family members will tend to you so that you can recover quickly.

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What is the study life of IITians at IIM Ahmedabad?

Navneet Sadani Posted On : November 22nd, 2022
Studied at Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad

Your study life at IIM Ahmedabad or Infact any educational institute is influenced by two factors:

  1. Your past academic records

  2. Your current motivation and discipline 

So as an IITian you have an upper hand in academic degree. Now the driving force is your motivation. There are cases where IIT pass outs fail to top and also where an IIT passout tops the class. So yes as an IITian you do have an advantage but it is limited. It’s your own self that defines the quality of your study life at IIM Ahmedabad.

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How are placements in IIM Ahmedabad?

Prachi Gupta Posted On : November 22nd, 2022
IIT Mandi

The reason why IIM Ahmedabad is everyone’s dream college is because of its exceptionally good placement opportunities.

IIM Ahmedabad Placements 2022 Report

Number of Students Registered 


Number of Offers


New recruiters


Highest International Package


Highest Domestic Package

INR 75.2 LPA

Median Package

INR 36.2 LPA

Increase in Median Package


Major Sectors

IT and Healthcare

The major companies that visited IIM Ahmedabad for placements are BCG, Accenture Strategy, Paytm, PwC, OYO, etc.

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What is the least package at IIM Ahmedabad?

CV Ranjendra Posted On : November 22nd, 2022
MBA from Indian Institute of Management Calcutta (Expected 2024)

Many students drop out of placements to start working on their own startup. Apart from this the lowest package at IIM Ahmedabad was INR 11 LPA in the year 2021 and INR 6.75 LPA in 2016. This does not include incentives and variable parts of the CTC.

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What can be the salary at McKinsey for those with IIT Bombay & IIM Ahmedabad qualification & about 10 yrs into management consulting?

Konark Pandey Posted On : November 22nd, 2022
PGP-PGDM from Indian Institute of Management Calcutta (Graduated 2019)

This answer is based on the assumption that you joined McKinsey right after leaving IIM Ahmedabad and have been working constantly ever since.

In that case your tenure, your current salary should be around 2 crores. This includes the fixed, bonus and dividend.

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How much does your life change after graduating from IIM Ahmedabad?

Deepak Mehta Posted On : November 22nd, 2022
MBA from Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (Graduated 2020)

I would say life changes more after joining IIM Ahmedabad than after graduating from it. The academic workload, strenuous hours, assignments and exams all prepare you for the hectic life ahead. So once you graduate from IIM Ahmedabad you might even welcome the hectic work schedule with amazing salaries. The changes in your life will depend on the field you have chosen.

If you join a big consulting firm or an investment bank or a PE/VC, chances are you will spend more hours in your office than at home.

If you go for a general management role, your life will have a blend of both work and personal time.

If you join a technical firm, then you will experience a casual work culture and a lot of personal time.

Working at e-commerce giants and start ups will limit your chances of a work life balance.

As far as the pay of an IIM Ahmedabad pass out is considered, literally everyone gets paid decently. In fact after a few years you will focus more on your responsibilities than your salary. You have to carry the weight of being an IIM Ahmedabad passout as everyone will have high expectations from you.

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In IIM Ahmedabad, how did you find your classes on the first day?

Yogesh Jindal Posted On : November 22nd, 2022
Studied at Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad

My sister is an IIM Ahmedabad pass out and narrated her experience of her first day at the prestigious institute.

Firstly you have to look at the seating chart outside the class. Once you enter you will find your name assigned to a particular seat. Seats are assigned on the basis of an unknown algorithm.

The first class is usually conducted by the Director Prof. Ashish Nanda. An alumnus of the institute, he is no less than a celebrity there. The students are excited to be in such a coveted place and taught by such an important person.

Class rooms are usually named CR1 or CR9. Find your own classroom beforehand and on the said date enter your classroom wel before time. You will be astonished to find that the class will have already been filled with eager students. 

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