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Is doing engineering from SGSITS Indore with BM, IP, or ET from IET-DAVV better than taking CSE from Acropolis?

Rabhi Ranjan Tripathi Posted On : March 4th, 2021
B.E. Electronics, Shri Govindram Seksaria Institute of Technology and Science (2020)

It depends on what you expect as the final outcome from your degree. If you are looking for just a degree, SGSITS is a good choice. But doing engineering just for the sake of it does not make sense. You should figure out what branch you want to study in before making any decisions.

BM and IP:

These two will not fetch you that much capital since the placement options are limited. Your chances will only increase if you are from an IIT.


Computer Science Engineering is the most reputed among students. It will fetch quite a decent package but you will have to work for it on your own, irrespective of which institute you choose. 


ET is a branch that can prove to be quite fruitful for you. Placements are really good to a certain level and you are bound to cop some of the top ones if you study seriously. 

Choosing a branch is the most crucial step and you should decide that, on your own.

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