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How is the English MA course in IGNOU University?

Padmini Alina Posted On : October 20th, 2022
Masters in English in English (language), Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)

It is extremely convenient to pursue an M.A. in English through IGNOU. The only problem is that the course materials are delivered very late. However, you are not required to rely on or wait for the materials. Because the materials remain the same year after year, they can be obtained from anyone who has already completed the course or from used bookstores. To be honest, the material isn't much help. In fact, guidebooks are more beneficial because they also provide you with the previous year's question papers, which are extremely helpful in understanding the exam question pattern, and once understood, you are guaranteed to score above 55% on your first attempt.

You have five years to complete your course, which consists of eight credits, four in the first year and four in the second. It is mandatory to submit the assignment for the paper you wish to sit for during the exams, which are held twice a year. It is entirely up to you whether to take all exams at once or spread them out over all ten semesters. In short, if you are determined, you can complete your master's degree in two years by taking two papers each semester. Contact classes are scheduled; if possible, attend them as they will get you started on your preparation and keep you motivated. 

Doing some research for your assignment and attempting to keep your answer original rather than copying from the guide will increase your chances of getting good grades on the assignments. If you fail a paper in the semester exam, you have the option of retaking it in subsequent semesters until you achieve a passing mark.

So, get the reference books, analyze the question pattern, turn in your assignment, and begin studying for the exam.

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What are some guidelines to keep in mind while writing IGNOU assignments?

Ishmeet Kaur Posted On : October 20th, 2022
M.A political science from Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)

IGNOU assignments are the most important part of your studies. 

It is recommended that you use double-sided ruled thick paper for your assignments. Leave some space on both sides of the paper so that your writing is not hidden when you stick it in a file. It is best to begin with question 1 and work your way through the questions in order. Avoid putting too much space between two answers. It is also advisable to properly write the questions and their answers. You must keep a separate file for each subject.

It is beneficial to review your classmates' assignments. It gives you a clear picture and a better idea. The Viva-Person usually asks the question based on the answer you wrote, so make sure you have revised all of your answers before the viva session.

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What is the scope of doing Post Graduation Diploma in Applied Statistics from IGNOU?

Anwesha Chaudhary Posted On : October 17th, 2022
Currently studying PGDAST (Applied statistics) from IGNOU

PGDAST is concerned with applied statistics. As a result, it requires fewer proofs. There are more theorems, formulas, and methods to employ. While a Masters's program contains numerous proofs as well as an applied component. However, PGDAST will undoubtedly improve your statistical knowledge. Furthermore, statistics have numerous applications in computer science and big data/data research. As a result, it will undoubtedly improve your career prospects. This is especially true given the scarcity of computer engineers who are also statisticians. And statisticians are in high demand in information technology firms. So you have an advantage over others.

It does not entitle you to study higher mathematics or statistics at any Indian university or IIT. Because PGDAST is only a one-year program, as opposed to MSC, which is a two-year program. PGDAST can also be completed by graduates from any discipline. While a Master's in Statistics requires a minimum three-year Bsc degree in Math/statistics. The PGDAST program is a diploma program.

You should go for it if you want to learn statistics. It will undoubtedly be a rewarding experience. One year of effort is not excessive. You must be consistent. To be eligible to sit for term-end exams, you must complete assignments. Even if you do not consider the benefits of computer science, it will almost certainly foster a new way of thinking.

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How long does the IGNOU take to send a mark sheet and certificate?

Rishabh Sharma Posted On : October 18th, 2022
MCA from Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)

According to the Ordinance, Rules, and Regulations, results should be announced within 45 days of the examination date. The Grade Card can be downloaded from the IGNOU website for any purpose. If you require an original Grade Card for the semesters you have completed, you must contact the Registrar's Student Evaluation Division. 

However, once you complete your program, you will automatically receive your grade card and provisional certificate. Only after convocation will you receive your original degree certificate. Convocation is usually held in April of the following year, following the date of the exam that you took.

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How do I get a Transcript from IGNOU? What are the documents required to be attached along with an application for Transcript?

Manoj Chhetri Posted On : October 19th, 2022
Studies Transcript at IGNOU

To get your official transcript from IGNOU, follow the simple steps mentioned below:

  1. Fill in the Application Form for the issue of the official transcript. This is available on IGNOUs official website.

  2. Get the printouts of both sides of your degree and marksheet.

  3. If you want the transcript shipped to your address in India then make a DD for the marksheet (INR 300) and degree (INR 300). This marksheet should have marks for all years or semesters.

  4. In case you have the marksheet for every year or semester then DD Number of marksheet X 300 +300 for the degree.

  5. If you are willing to get your transcript delivered out of India, then the cost of both the degree and marksheet is INR 500 instead of INR 300.

  6. Write your roll number, name and contact number on the backside of DD.

  7. The transcript will be enclosed in a sealed IGNOU envelope.

  8. All the documents have to be submitted to Block 9, Room 2.

  9. It usually takes 20-25 days for the transcript to get delivered.

You don’t have to personally visit the university. You can send someone on your behalf too along with the documents.

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How can I score well in IGNOU, M.A. English course?

Mahesh Desai Posted On : October 21st, 2022
BA in Economics, Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) (Graduated - 2014)

When it comes to study material, IGNOU definitely provides the best. The course is lucid, well-written, and informative and contains a summary of all important details. The quality of the study material makes it possible for you to solely rely on it and give exams. 

But if you are aiming for some brownie points, then there is an additional tip for you. Download MA English question papers of the past 5 years. Going through these papers will instil in you a confidence and general picture of the paper. You will also discover the important questions that are repeated almost every year and can focus more on those questions. Basically, this method will enable you to approach your exam a bit more confidently and well-prepared.

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How do I write a letter to the IGNOU regional center for changing the wrong email address?

Pranay Maloo Posted On : October 28th, 2022
Hindustan University

To submit a letter to the IGNOU regional center for changing the wrong email address you need to visit your regional center first. You can also send an email addressing your issue. A sample mail is shown below:

Respected sir,

I am Ajay(programme name, enrollment number). I would like to notify you that I have made an error while entering my email address and would like to make the necessary correction.

Email address in form:

Original email:(Corrected):

Thank you for your patience and my sincere apologies for the inconvenience.



Attach your admit card and send the mail. Your query will be resolved in no time.

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Do marks really increase in the IGNOU revaluation?

Madhura Mukhopadhyay Posted On : October 21st, 2022 in Master of Commerce, Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)

If you are confident that you have written well and deserve more than the marks you have received, then go ahead and request revaluation.

Even if you're not sure, take the plunge. It will not cause you any harm. The best of the two marks, that is, before and after the revaluation, will be considered, so there is no need to worry. You simply need to believe in yourself and go for it if you believe that the grades you received are inadequate and should be increased.

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What is the credit system of IGNOU? How do I select a subject?

Neeraj Sethi Posted On : October 18th, 2022
M.A in Public Administration, Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)

If you apply for a BSc (Maths), for example, it means you want to study math.

  • You must choose two elective subjects from the four available ( Maths, Physics, Chemistry, and Life Science).

  • To major in math, you must complete at least 40 credits in math.

  • If you want to major in math, you must take MTE 1, 2, and 4-9. These subjects will earn you 28 points. MTE 10 to 14 can be used to obtain the remaining 12 credits (for a minimum of 40 credits) to 20 credits (for a maximum of 48 credits in a subject).

  • The three-year course requires 96 credits, with 32 credits required each year.

  • Your foundation courses will total 16 credits in your first year. And you'll need 32 credits in a year. To meet that requirement, you can take MTE 1,2,4,5,6, or you can drop one paper and replace it with a second elective subject of your choice.

  • You have 8 credits for foundation courses in the second year. The remaining 32 credits must be satisfied by Math papers and the second elective.

Electives and application-oriented courses are available in the third year (AOC). AOC requires 16 or 8 credits in this case. This is because elective courses can take either 56 or 64 credits over the course of the semester. As previously stated, if you aim for a minimum of 40 credits, you only need 56 credits from electives and can have 16 credits from AOC. Alternatively, a maximum of 48 elective credits will leave you with 8 credits for AOC.

There are some subjects that must be taken together, such as MTE 4 and MTE 5. Subjects from the first year can be taken in the second or third year, but not in the first year. There are courses that have prerequisites and corequisites. Please make sure you take those so that you can study easily.

Applying online eliminates the possibility of accidentally taking the same subject twice. You also don't have to be concerned about credit fulfillment or subjects that must be taken concurrently.

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In IGNOU what if I fail to re register before the last day of registration?

Deborah Sam Posted On : October 20th, 2022

Re-register before the registration deadline. If you are unable to do so, you will be unable to participate in the next semester for which you have registered. It will also give you a 6-month delay and allow you to register only on your next attempt, which is not a good idea. So be mindful of your re-registration and exam forms.

However, if you fail to re-register, don't be too concerned. Simply try to cover all previous exams and back from the previous semester and prepare for it. Learn some useful skills related to your course as well. Don't squander these six or twelve months; instead, get to work.

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