Having scored 213 in the NMAT, how difficult will it be for me to convert the NMIMS Mumbai call (considering average academics and no work experience)?

1 Answer

Srinvantu Basu Posted On - Feb 28, 2023
Lives in India (1994–present)

There are 2 key points you need to know regarding NMAT 

  • 70% weightage is given to NMAT score during shortlisting
  • The NMAT cutoff is usually around 205-250 marks

Now people might infer that a candidate with higher marks is likely to get into NMIMS. However this is not the case as I know many people who had a score of 220+ but were unable to make it into NMIMS Mumbai. So it’s best that you don’t worry about your scores and compare it with others once you have cleared the cutoff. You have more important factors to consider like the personal interview and case discussions which require a lot of preparation.

Moreover, a score of 213 is not that bad so don’t let it demotivate you a bit. Focus on your future endeavors. Preparing for the interview can be best done by going through your own CV and practicing to answer the questions related to it. The case discussion round is also risky and you need to be extremely patient throughout. Give everyone a chance and deliver your opinion in a concise and impactful manner.

In case you are worried about your past academics and work experience, here is the good news. NMIMS does not focus too much on work experience and academics and I have seen many freshers who were able to make it into NMIMS by scoring 210+. So all you need to do is work hard and not give up.



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