If you are looking for exact word-to-word details, you can check the college’s website for the same. Other than this, you can also directly contact the college to gain some more clarity and information on the same. They also have a user-friendly website and you will find all the information on courses available there.
Let me help you out with the fee structure of the 2 year PGDM program at IMTCDL:
Term | Fee structure |
1st Semester | INR 28,500 |
2nd Semester | INR 27500 |
3rd Semester | INR 27500 |
4th Semester | INR 27500 |
There is an additional exam fee involved for international locations as well. This means that if you are a student appearing for the exams from a location outside India, you would have to pay a fee of INR 2500 per exam.