How many exams are conducted at Thapar University in a year?

1 Answer

Gargi Roy Posted On - Aug 9, 2021
Bachelor of Engineering Electronics and Communication Engineering, Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology

One of my friends graduated from Thapar University and was able to provide information regarding examinations. Here is the breakdown of the first semester in which 6 subjects amount to 22 credits.

  • Computer Programming – You will have 2 Quizzes, 1 midterm examination, 1 end semester examination, 2 Practicals, and 2 Vivas. So, in total it is 8 for Computer Programming.
  • Applied Chemistry – You will have 3 Tutorial Tests, 1 Practical, 1 Viva, 1 midterm examination, and 1 end semester examination. So, in total it is 7 for applied chemistry.
  • Mechanics – You will have 1 Project, 3 Tutorial Tests, 1 Submission, 1 midterm examination, and 1 end semester examination. In total it is 7 for Mechanics.
  • Mathematics – You will have 2 Tutorial Tests, 1 midterm examination, and 1 end-semester examination. In total it is 4 for mathematics.
  • Energy and Environment – You will have 1 mid semester examination, 1 end semester examination, 1 Quiz/ Thesis Submission. It is 3 for Energy and Environment.
  • Electronic Engineering – You will have 1 Submission, 3 Vivas, 3 Practicals, 1 Project, 1 midterm examination, and 1 end semester examination. The total is 10 for electronic engineering.

So, that totals up to 39. To get an idea of 2 Semesters, double it and add nearly 10% due to an increase in credits. There are nearly 86 exams including viva/ practicals and sessionals.



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