What are the facts or mindblowing facts of Nalanda University?

1 Answer

Rupahi Bhowmik Posted On - Oct 5, 2021
B.Tech Information Technology & Mathematical Innovation,Cluster Innovation Centre,University of Delhi (2020)

Here are some mind-blowing facts about Nalanda University.

  • Nalanda University was established by Kumar Gupta. It is an ancient center for higher education that was once located in Bihar, India.
  • Nalanda University is the second oldest university in India right behind the University of Takshila. From around the 5th century CE up till the year 1197 CE, the university served the purpose of an educational and religious center.
  • It covered a total area of around 14 hectares in present-day Bihar.
  • Many scholars and students visited the university for educational purposes. Some of them were even from far away countries like Persia, Greece, Tibet, and China.
  • The library situated at Nalanda University is one of the oldest and the largest libraries in the world. 

Many historians claim that Mahatma Budha visited the university and took shelter there for a while due to which the university was also popularly known as the center of Buddhist education from the 5th century to the 12th century.



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