Will an MBA from IIM Ahmedabad provide as much value as one from Harvard/ Stanford/ MIT?

1 Answer

Gaurav Yadav Posted On - Dec 22, 2022
CEO & Founder at ReachIvy (2011–present)

When you compare Harvard to IIM, you are comparing the Indian education system to the education system in other countries. There are three major differences, which are all listed below:

1. Diversity or Familiarity

Harvard: Harvard will expose you to a more multicultural environment. You'll be part of a campus teeming with students and professors from all over the world, representing a diverse range of countries, nationalities, and cultures. You'll learn about different traditions and lifestyles, understand and appreciate differences, be able to relate to your international peers, and discover a connection to your roots.

IIM: While you won't have as much global diversity as a study abroad program, your classroom may be filled with students from all over India. The transition to college life will be easier because you'll be surrounded by a familiar environment and peers who share your cultural and traditional values.

2. Self-Learning or Teacher-Guided Learning

Harvard: Prepare to experience a completely new learning style and academic rigor. Harvard has created an all-encompassing curriculum that emphasizes continuous learning, interactive teaching, extensive research, self-study, collaborative enterprise, classroom presentation, excursions, and exchange programs. Assessment and evaluation tools include a wide variety of mediums such as pop quizzes, project work, essays, seminars, class participation, project work, and so on. The curriculum encourages more student participation and initiative, with professors serving as facilitators. Because Harvard invented the case study method, the faculty members are experts in delivering it.

IIM: The lecture-based system centered on teachers and exams at the end of each semester is the foundation of the Indian curriculum. It is not a continuous learning method, which could be ideal for students who excel in this learning environment or want to pursue other interests after college, such as CA preparation or working in the family business. Many institutions, including IIM, are incorporating international pedagogical approaches to empower students to take greater ownership of their education.

3. Academic Flexibility or a Professionally Focused Program

Harvard: Your college experience at Harvard is very different from your experience at an Indian college. You can take more initiative in designing your course around your learning objectives. You can even change your major if you meet the requirements of the department. You can also double major, which means you can earn two degrees in two different academic fields.

IIM: You must complete a college-prescribed course within a specific program timeline. Courses are more subject-specific or designed to meet specific professions' requirements. For example, if you are studying Maths, you cannot choose Dance as an elective but must instead study Statistics, Physics, or a related field of study because the course syllabus limits your options. It allows you to specialize in your field while remaining focused on your professional objectives. Furthermore, IIM offers a PGDM degree rather than an MBA. The IIMs intend to offer an MBA degree rather than a PGDM degree in the near future.

When deciding between colleges in India and abroad, keep your priorities, strengths, and objectives in mind. Studying abroad will have a different impact on you than studying in your own country. It is entirely up to you how you want to maximize the opportunities that each presents. You must analyze your needs, do your homework, consult with family and friends, and think deeply; you'll undoubtedly choose the best option for you.



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