Which is good college, BIMTECH Greater Noida or LBSIM?

1 Answer

Tithi Aggrawal Posted On - May 4, 2023
Lives in New Delhi

To give you a better understanding, the following answer is using the three Cs to compare: 

  1. Curriculum: If someone has very clear job goals, he or she might want to look into B-schools that offer a specialization in that field. Also, you might want to go to a college with a program that you can change to fit your needs. For example, BIMTECH has a program that is updated every year because the business world is always changing. Students at LBSIM, on the other hand, spend the first few years taking core classes and can also take a foreign language as an elective. 
  2. Communication: You can get a good idea of this by looking at how often and how much the school's selection committee interacts with you. At BIMTECH, the admissions office is known for making real connections that start with the application process. If you think of LBSIM, it too has great ways to board, stay, and use other services.
  3. Culture: Getting a sense of the culture at any school is important if you want to decide if the program is a good fit for you. Start your evaluation by figuring out if the attitude is mostly competitive or collaborative. When it comes to a college’s culture, there is no right or wrong. Instead, you should choose the place where you think you will do best.

CAT cut-off for a B-School is a good way to figure out how good it is. The cutoff for LBSIM is around 85+ percentile and the cutoff for BIMTECH is around 75 percentile. It is clear that LBSIM has a much better intake, which makes group learning even better. Also, LBSIM has the best return on investment (ROI) of any school in its field.



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