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Is it necessary to be sponsored by the company to get enrolled in CBA (Certificate program in business analytics) offered by ISB Hyderabad?

Shraiya Malik Posted On : February 8th, 2023
Studied at Indian School of Business (Graduated 2018)

No, it’s not necessarily sponsored by your company in order to get enrolled in the Certificate Program in Business Analytics offered by IBS Hyderabad. In case you are not sponsored, all you have to do is finance the program on your own. So the issue lies in financing and not getting a sponsorship.

However, you might need your company's approval for pursuing the course as the course requires 6 visits (once in 2 months). These visits last for 5 days so you have to take frequent leaves from your company. If you are confident that taking such leaves won’t be an issue you can get away with an approval. However if taking such leaves becomes an issue, you should inform your company regarding the program beforehand so that they can easily grant you the necessary permission. 

THE CBA program in ISB Hyderabad just requires the salary slip of the last two months as proof of your employment. They do ask for the No-Objection letter from the company but if anyone fails to produce it, it’s not a big issue.

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