Joy University - [JU], Tirunelveli - Scholarship Details

Tirunelveli, Tamil NaduPrivate University
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Joy University (JU) offers scholarships, Fee Waiver Schemes, Concessions to Meritorious and Deserving students. The JU - Scholarship Program is a transparent & merit-based process. The following are the Joy University entry-level scholarship schemes:

  • JU - Sports Scholarship
  • JU - North East Scholarship
  • JU - Jammu Kashmir Scholarship
  • JU - Chancellor Scholarship
  • JU - Merit Scholarship
  • JU - Economical Scholarship
  • JU - Differently Abled Scholarship

1. Joy University Sports Scholarship

The Sports scholarship is available to the Exemplary sports persons representing University / District (Province)/ Zone/ State/ National / International. Total of 25 scholarships are given to the eligible candidates. Details are provided below:

Eligibility Scolarship Amount Conditions for renewal

Sports persons representing University / District (Province)/ Zone/ State/ National / International Level

Candidates must approach the Director - Admission, for trials / selection
Qualifying in the trials / selection is a prerequisite for admission.

Upto 100 % concession in Tuition fees for National/ International representation

Must apply every year within the stipulated date

Must possess a minimum CGPA of 6.0

No arrears / backlogs at the time of application

No break of study or detention or disciplinary action/malpractice

Upto 70 % concession in Tuition fees for State/Zone representation
Upto 60 % concession in Tuition fees for District representation

2. Joy University North East Scholarship

The North East Scholarship is given to the students who have passed class 12 from North East State Board or CBSE affiliated schools in North East. Details are mentioned below:

Eligibility Scholarship Amount Conditions for renewal
Passed 10+2 from a North East State Board or CBSE affiliated schools in North East
(Assam, Manipur, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Tripura)
Upto 100% concession in Tution fee

-Must apply every year within the stipulated date

-Must possess a minimum CGPA of 6.0

-No arrears/ backlogs at the time of application

-No break of study or detention or disciplinary action/ malpractice

3. Joy University Jammu Kashmir Scholarship

The Jammu Kashmir Scholarship is given to the candidates who have completed their 12th from J&K board or CBSE affiliated schools in J&K. Details of the scholarship is mentioned below:

Eligibility Scholarship Amount Conditions for renewal
Passed 10+2 from the J&K board or CBSE affiliated schools in J&K Upto 100% concession in Tution fee

-Must apply every year within the stipulated date

-Must possess a minimum CGPA of 6.0

-No arrears/ backlogs at the time of application

-No break of study or detention or disciplinary action/ malpractice

4. Joy University Chancellor Scholarship

The Chancellor Scholarship aims to encourage and attract (1) toppers in qualifying examination or IIT JEE Mains to seek admission in the first year of UG (2) exemplary sports personalities to seek admission in any Diploma/UG/PG programmes of JOYAT.

Who can apply?

Candidates who have passed qualifying examination (10+2 or degree as applicable) in regular mode in FIRST ATTEMPT in the current year of admission andmeet the following conditions:

  1. Top 10 ranks in JOYAT(UG)
  2. Upto 8000 rank in JEE (Mains)
  3. State first rank in 10+2 of respective state boards or CBSE within India
  4. District topper in 10+2 in Tamil Nadu State Board or CBSE within Tamil Nadu
  5. Exemplary sports persons representing University / District (Province) / Zone / State / National /

Scholarship Details:

Sl.No Sub Category Concession Details Prerequisites Additional Requirements / Remarks Conditions for renewal
1 Top 10 rank in JOYAT(UG) 100 % fee concession in Tuition fees, Hostel / Transport fees - Must be eligible for admission to First Year UG
- Must attend On-campus counseling
NIL - Must apply every year within the stipulated date · Must possess a minimum CGPA of 8.0
- No arrears / backlogs at the time of application
- No break of study or detention or disciplinary action/malpractice
- Subject to the recommendation of the scholarship committee
2 Upto 8,000 rank in IIT JEE (Mains)
3 State first rank in 10+2 of respective state boards or CBSE within India Must submit certificate of distinction from The Secretary, School Education of the respective state
4 District topper in 10+2 in Tamil Nadu State Board or CBSE within Tamil Nadu
5 Exemplary sports persons representing University / District (Province) / Zone / State / National / International 100 % fee concession in Tuition fees Hostel / Transport fees - Only select programmes as decided by JOYAT are permissible under sports quota
- Must be eligible for First Year Diploma/UG/PG programme permitted under the quota
Must approach the Director-Admissions, for trials / selection. Qualifying in the trials / selection is a prerequisite for admission. Auto-Renewal as per therecommendation of Dean - Student Welfare

5. Joy University Merit Scholarship

Instituted in the year 2010, the scholarship aims to encourage and attract outstanding candidates in JOYAT(UG) or 10 +2 examination to seek admission in the first year of UG Programme in JOYAT.

Who can apply?

Candidates who have passed 12th Board examination in regular mode in FIRST ATTEMPT in the current year of admission and meet the following conditions: Scholarship Details:

Sl. No Category Concession Details(Tuition Fees Only) Prerequisites Additional Requirements / Remarks Conditions for renewal
1 90% and above in PCM / PCB & JOYAT(UG) Rank 11-50 85% - Must be eligible for admission to First Year UG Programme
- Must attend On- campus counselling
- Award of Scholarship – Counseling or postenrolment
- Award of Scholarship - post- enrolment
- The scholarship committee has the authority to set additional criteria to optimize the number of beneficiaries and available funds.
- Must apply every year within the stipulated date
- No arrears / backlogs at the time ofapplication
- Must possess a minimum CGPA of >=8.0
- No break of study or detention or disciplinary action/malpractice
- Subject to the recommendation of the scholarship committee
2 90% and above in PCM / PCB & JOYAT(UG) Rank 51- 100 80%
3 90% and above in PCM / PCB & JOYAT(UG) Rank 101- 200 75%
4 90% and above in PCM / PCB & JOYAT(UG) Rank 201- 300 70%

6. Joy University Economical Scholarship

Joy University Economical Scholarship for Weaker Sections of Society (CSR Initiative) is to help the Low-Income Groups and other economically weaker sections of the society.

Who can apply?

  • Every year, Joy University Economical Scholarship for Weaker Sections of Society (CSR Initiative) is awarded to those family annual income is less than 3 Lakh Rupees.
  • All SC/ ST students are also eligible for the said
  • The scholarship awardee will be eligible for a waiver of 75% of Tuition fees each year , provided that he/she has no
  • The students have to submit the Income Certificates of Earning Member duly signed by the Tahsildar/ Competent Authority
  • In addition, all Applicants have to submit Caste certificate duly signed by the Tahsildar/ Competent Authority

Scholarship Details:

Sl. No Category Concession Details Prerequisites Conditions for renewal
1 Low Income Group < 3 Lakhs per annum - 75 % in Tuitionfees - Should have written JOYAT
- Must submit all relevant certificates in support of claim
- Must apply every year within the stipulated date
- No arrears / backlogs at the time of application
- No break of study or detention or disciplinary action/malpractice
- Subject to the recommendation of the scholarship committee

7. Joy University - Differently-Abled Scholarship

Instituted in the year 2012, the scholarship aims to support students with Locomotor / Orthopedic disability / Speech & Hearing impaired and facilitate their academic pursuit.

Who can apply?

Any student who falls under the above category of disability and need additional financial support.

Scholarship Details:

Sl.No Category Concession Details Prerequisites Conditions for renewal
1. Locomotor / Orthopedic Disability - 75 % in Tuition fees - Must have admitted in a regular program offered by JOYAT
- Must submit disability certificate from the appropriate govt. authority
- Must apply every year within the stipulated date
- No disciplinary action/malpractice
- Subject to the recommendation of the scholarshipcommittee
2. Speech & Hearing impaired

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