I wanted to go to a UC but I was not accepted unfortunately so I opted for a California state university, even then it was not my first choice but I settled because they accepted me early. I don't know why I did that.
Course Curriculum
It's not bad but not good either it's okay, there are too many students in the concentration and the professors are really crap sometimes. They have you take many unnecessary courses probably to make more money.
The faculty can be good or bad but overall they are average I always have one professor that is good each semester but the rest are average if not below.
There is but none at the same time because there are so many business students that are all looking for the same job opportunities as me so the competition is real and I'm not sure if my resume is strong.
I lived with my parents the whole time which I recommend for this school because it's a commuter school so living on campus would be boring but I guess downtown Fullerton is an attraction for the freshmen.
I took the SAT about three or four times and ACT about twice. I scored below average for both and it brought such distraught.
Dunk the dean was memorable this year but other than that I don't really stay at school other than classes like many other students at my school but they have some days where they have more food carts
The parking pass at my school is the most expensive out of most universities and the best part is that there is nowhere to park unless you go early.
I have had financial aid the whole four years and I am so grateful for that privilege that derived from my poverty.
Examination Structure
When it comes to most of the exam structure There is many multiple choice and true and false, lots ask irrelevant things like the one I took last week. I hate when there is either all of the above or none of the above.