The pharmacy school is one of the best in the country and matches a lot of their students for residency programs. It is also where my mom went to undergrad. The college is also in a great location and I love the town.
Course Curriculum
I think it?s very well drawn out but it has only been implemented a few years so there are some things that need improving. I think with time some of these things will be worked out and the curriculum will be much better.
Some of the faculty are great.
PCAT to get into the pharmacy school. I was in the 88th percentile. This is a graduate program so this was the prerequisite.
I am an out of state student so I pay more for tuition. I also have to pay for school fees. There are no textbooks however to buy.
Examination Structure
Very difficult. There are exams almost every week and they are quite difficult. The curriculum is very fast paced and you have to keep up with your studies. The exams are not long but they are very in depth.