There was a good hands-on theatre program that allowed me to experience what I wanted to do and explore. The campus felt safe to walk around. The campus is also very pretty and perfect for taking pictures. This theatre program allows you to expand your horizons and allows you to meet people involved in the industry. The other classes offered are also very interesting.
Course Curriculum
It is very good since it allows you to have a fully rounded experience of the theatre, on the stage and off.
It?s decent, not enough academic advisors to match for the number of students who need advising and to go over necessary course requirements. The professors almost always make themselves available to their students.
Theatre is an area of interest for me and I can experience it in a new way while also continuing my education and learning and experiencing other classes. Having a wide variety of options for other classes to take and learn new things on the side of my main courses is good as well. The professors are very nice and welcoming to all, no matter the experience level.
We have various parties throughout the year, three commerce socials, frosh fest, various other parties dependent on your program to involve students.
There is an entrance scholarship awarded based on your grade average going into your first year, other than that there are other financial opportunities dependent on your financial needs and income level. Also other financial aids depending on your faculty or program that you?re in. The financial aid takes a while to kick in and you also have to stand in line for a long time.
I received a $2000 entrance scholarship in my first year of university which covered most of my classes in my first semester.
Examination Structure
It varies class to class but many of the classes in the theatre program do not have final exams and are based on assignments and active participation within the theatre on campus.