Kishore Nagar College, Cuttack

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About Kishore Nagar College Cuttack

Kishore Nagar College is located in Cuttack in Orissa. This educational institution was established in the year 1979. The college was set up to fulfil the growing educational requirements in the regional area. The aim of the institution is to provide all the students with quality education and also the ability to develop successful careers and contribute to the nation's overall progress and development. The belief of the college is that scientific and technological development is the need of the hour and it is necessary for educational institutions to develop and train students who are keen in the science and technological field, and can contribute and take ahead the technological developments in the nation. All the programs initiated by the college for the students focus on creative and innovative thinking by the students.

Facts and Figures about The Kishor Nagar College, Cuttack, Orissa

Foundation Year


Affiliated to

Utkal University

How to reach

Campus 5kms away from Somepur, and is located at Kishore Nagar

Why to Join The Kishor Nagar College, Cuttack, Orissa?

  • Scholarship Programs: The institution focuses on regional and rural development and thus, it has been the aim of the institution to uplift rural areas by encouraging literacy and education. Thus, the institution annually provides deserving students with scholarship and other valuable educational incentives to encourage education among the rural youth. Also, the college awards and provides the excelling students with various career enriching opportunities.
  •  Research Activities:  As the aim of the institution is to promote scientific activities, Kishore Nagar College, and all the governing members have been striving to promote research programs in the college. The college has actively established research committees that conduct research activities that prove beneficial to the students and promote better understanding of the subjects. Good research works have also been acknowledged by the institution both at Intra College level as well as inter college level.

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Courses Offered By Kishore Nagar College Cuttack 2025

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Full Time
1 Courses3 Years Full Time


1 Courses3 Years Full Time



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Kishore Nagar College Cuttack Facilities

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Kishore Nagar College Cuttack College Details

Basic Information About the Colleges

Kishore Nagar
Cuttack - 754131
Odisha, India
Get SMS Contact:  0671-2359533
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