College of Technology, GB Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar - List of Professors and Faculty

Pantnagar, UttarakhandEstd 1962 GBPUAT, Pantnagar
#34 For B.Tech By IIRF 2023  
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College of Technology, GB Pant University of Agriculture & Technology Pantnagar Faculty Details

Head of Professor
Dr. P. S. Mahar
Department of Civil Engineering
Dr. S. S. Gupta
Department of Civil Engineering
Head and Professor
Professor S. D. Samantaray
Department of Computer Engineering
Associate Professor
Mr. B. K. Singh
Department of Computer Engineering
Head and Professor
Dr. Ajay Srivastav
Department of Electrical Engineerig
Dr. A. K. Swami
Department of Electrical Engineerig
Head and Professor
Dr. R. P. S. Gangwar
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Head and Professor
Dr. H. L. Mandoria
Department of Information Technology
Assistant Professor
Mr. Rajesh Shyam Singh
Department of Information Technology
Dr. Lokesh Varshney
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Why To Join College of Technology, GB Pant University of Agriculture & Technology Pantnagar - Reviews & Rating

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Niharika Dewari
Reviewed on (Enrolled 2021)


The course was not a difficult one nor an easy one, depends upon our hard work and seriousness towards our studies. We usually took 6 classes in 1 day. Classes start at 9:30a.m and get over at 2:30p.m. We got one Lunch Break which is 30 minutes only. The teachers usually use PowerPoint method, they use white boards as well. Sometimes, they show us videos or movies which are related to our studies. We often have presentation or group discussions too. I admire all our faculties, they were all nice and good at Political Science. The faculty I admire the most was Sir Tka. He teaches really well and is never arrogant to the students, he is very understanding and very good at his profession. We have to score 80% attendence every semester in each paper to be able to sit for examinations. If we are not able to fulfill the attendance criteria, they sometimes pardon those who have genuine reasons, but if not they are not able to sit for examinations.

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Niharika Dewari
Reviewed on (Enrolled 2021)


The course was not a difficult one nor an easy one, depends upon our hard work and seriousness towards our studies. We usually took 6 classes in 1 day. Classes start at 9:30a.m and get over at 2:30p.m. We got one Lunch Break which is 30 minutes only. The teachers usually use PowerPoint method, they use white boards as well. Sometimes, they show us videos or movies which are related to our studies. We often have presentation or group discussions too. I admire all our faculties, they were all nice and good at Political Science. The faculty I admire the most was Sir Tka. He teaches really well and is never arrogant to the students, he is very understanding and very good at his profession. We have to score 80% attendence every semester in each paper to be able to sit for examinations. If we are not able to fulfill the attendance criteria, they sometimes pardon those who have genuine reasons, but if not they are not able to sit for examinations.

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