MBA Entrepreneurship Syllabus, Subjects, 1st Year, Yearly, Semester, Entrance Exam, Books

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The MBA Entrepreneurship syllabus provides students with analytical resources, insights, and experiences that train graduates as self-employed entrepreneurs, corporate entrepreneurs or family-business entrepreneurs. Students are educated in various skills through seminars, practicals, labs, projects, research, surveys etc .

MBA in Entrepreneurship is a 2-year postgraduate course that would prepare students to become successful independent entrepreneurs or innovators. An MBA in Entrepreneurship is the perfect specialization for students who are looking to start a successful business venture.

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MBA Entrepreneurship Syllabus Course Details

Course level Postgraduate
MBA in Entrepreneurship Duration 2 years
MBA in Entrepreneurship Eligibility Bachelor’s degree in any relevant field from a recognized college or university with a minimum aggregate of 50%.
MBA in Entrepreneurship Admission process Entrance Exam Based + Merit Based
MBA in Entrepreneurship Entrance Exams CATXATNMATMATSNAPCMAT
MBA in Entrepreneurship Exam Type Semester based
MBA in Entrepreneurship Fees INR 1 to 20 Lakhs
MBA in Entrepreneurship Salary INR 3 to 5 lakhs
MBA in Entrepreneurship Job Profiles Assistant Manager, Business Consultant, Finance Controller, Human Resource Manager, accountant,Corporate Supervisor, Sales Manager etc.
MBA in Entrepreneurship Job Sectors Automobile, Advertising, Agriculture, Banking, Small and medium enterprise management, Information technology, Hospitality, Fashion management, etc.
Top Recruiters HSBC, HDFC, ICICI, Genpact, E&Y, Morgan Stanley, Lehman Brothers, BCG, Barclays,

See AlsoMBA Full Form

MBA Entrepreneurship Syllabus Complete Syllabus

The syllabus for MBA Entrepreneurship is listed below :

First Semester Second Semester
Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship Social Entrepreneurship
Creativity and Innovation Business Environment
Principles and Practices of Management Fundamental of Finance – II
Fundamental of Finance - I Business Communication
Human Resource Management Service Management
Principles of Marketing Management E-Business
Entrepreneurial Decision Making Digital Marketing
Comprehensive Viva Comprehensive Viva
Third Semester Fourth Semester
Financing New Ventures and Business Legal Aspects of Business
Managing Start up Strategic Framework for SMEs Rural and Industrial Marketing
Introduction to Taxation Business Ethics and Corporate Governance
Contemporary Issues in Strategy International Business / EXIM Management
Production & Operations Human Resource Development
Organizational Behviour Logistics and SCM
Enterprise Resource Planning Enterprise Resource Planning - I
Comprehensive Viva Comprehensive Viva

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MBA Entrepreneurship Syllabus Semester Wise Subjects

MBA Entrepreneurship syllabus has four semesters where the first two semesters focus on the core subjects that are mandatory for course graduation and second two semesters have more elective subjects.

First-Year Subjects 

The First year subjects for MBA Entrepreneurship are listed below:

  • Principles of Management and Organizational Behaviour - This includes topics such as The Evolution of Management Thought and the Patterns of Management Analysis, Global and Comparative Management, The Nature of Organizing - Organizational Structure: Departmentation - Line/Staff Authority and Decentralization, The System and Process of Controlling.
  • Human Resource Management - This includes topics such as Human Resource Philosophy – Changing environments of HRM – Strategic human resource management, Recruitment and selection process: Employment planning and forecasting - Building employee commitment, Orientation & Training: Orienting the employees, the training process, need analysis, Training techniques, special purpose training etc 
  • Quantitative Techniques for Management - This Comprises of topics such as Measures of Central Tendency – Mean, Median, Mode, Mathematical Models – deterministic and probabilistic, Transportation model, Network Model, Probability – definitions – addition and multiplication Rules (only statements) .
  • Operations Management –This includes topics such as Operations Management – Meaning – Importance, Product design and process selection – Evaluation and Selection of appropriate Production and Operations technology, Production planning and control, Materials management, and Total Quality Management Concept.

See Also:

Second-Year Subjects 

The Second year subjects for MBA Entrepreneurship are listed below

  • Entrepreneurial Finance - To explain how financing for entrepreneurship is done. Students are taught topics such as Project planning & Project Appraisal, Sources of Finance, Short Term Sources, Preparing the Financing Plan
  • Project Management- To explain project management for entrepreneurs. This includes Categories of Project, Project planning, Project implementation, Project feasibility study etc 
  • Information technology and e-commerce - This includes topics such as Computers & Internet: Desktop computers, Block diagrams of a computer, Input and output devices, memory and storage devices, Windows XP: Windows concepts, Features, Windows Structure, Desktop, Taskbar, Start Menu, My Computer, Recycle Bin etc 
  • Technology Innovation and Sustainable Enterprise -This includes topics such as Innovation: - Need - Objectives of innovation - Technology innovation - its importance - Knowledge Management- need - Business strategies related to knowledge management , Web Marketing- Meaning- Benefits of Web Marketing-Myths and Facts in Web MarketingWeb Psychology: Understanding the Internet mind- The Internet and the Law: Copyright, Censorship etc

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MBA Entrepreneurship Syllabus Entrance exam Syllabus

The MAT 2023 syllabus is mentioned below, which candidates must refer to while preparing for the exam:

MAT Data Analysis and Sufficiency: Bar diagrams & Charts including Simple, Stacked, Composite Bar charts, Pie charts, Graphs – Line X-Y Graphs, Data analysis, Data Tables, Data charts, and Data comparison among others, Caselet based Data, Venn diagram, Data Sufficiency.
MAT Indian & Global Environment Business & Economics GK -for example changes in Fiscal and monetary policy, CRR, Repo Rate, Current GK- based on the current reading of newspapers and periodicals, Conventional GK-available in books, Devaluation and up the valuation of Rupee, Business, National and International events, etc.
MAT Mathematical Skills: Elementary Mathematics, Arithmetic, Interest (Simple and Compound), Speed, Time and Distance; Time and Work; Averages; Number System, Mixtures and Allegation, Unitary Method, Commercial Math, Permutation and Combinations, Ratio and Proportion and others, Number System (3-4) questions
MAT Intelligence and Critical Reasoning: Set Theory, Venn Diagrams, Fact Inference Judgment, Passage Conclusion, Analogy, Statement Argument among others, Clocks, Calendars, Binary logic, Seating Arrangement, Blood Relations (Family Tree), Logical Sequence, Assumption, Premise, Conclusion, Linear and matrix arrangement, Team Formation, Cubes, Rows, Direction sense and Decision Making, Input-Output, Series, Syllogism, Network Diagrams, Quantitative Reasoning, Puzzles, Logical Reasoning based on Rankings, Critical Reasoning

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MBA Entrepreneurship Syllabus Bharathiar University

The syllabus for MBA Entrepreneurship in Bharathiar University is :

First Year Second Year
Principles of Management and Organisational Behaviour Entrepreneurial Finance
Managerial Economics Entrepreneurship Development
Accounting and Finance for Managers Project management
Marketing Management Information Technology and E-Commerce
Human Resource Management Technology Innovation and Sustainable Enterprise
Quantitative Techniques for Management Business Plan and Ethics
Research Methods for Management Managing Diversity
Corporate Communication Business Environment and Ethics
Operations Management Strategic Management

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MBA Entrepreneurship Syllabus Amity University

The syllabus for MBA Entrepreneurship in Amity University is listed below : 

Semester I Semester II
Core Courses General Core Courses General
Organizational Behavior Human Resource Management
Economic for Managers Accounting & Finance for Managers
Marketing Management Research Methodology
Information Technology for Managers Productions & Operations Mgmt.
Quantitative Techniques in Management Legal Aspects of Business
Three Core Courses of Sectoral/ Functional Area
Two NTCC on Sectoral/Functional Area
Three Core Courses of Sectoral/Functional Area
Two NTCC on Sectoral/Functional Area
Term Paper - I Seminar
Combination of B & C
Minor Project - I Company Report
Combination of B & C
Value Addition Courses (VAC) Value Addition Courses (VAC)
Business Communication Business Communication
Behavioural Science - I Behavioural Science - II
Foreign Business Language-I (optional for Foreign campuses) Foreign Business Language-2 (optional for Foreign campuses)
Semester III Semester IV
Core Course Core Course
Business Environment & Strategic Management Management in Action – Social, Economic & Ethical Issues
Electives from Sectoral/Functional Area
Choose any five from list of available options below)
  • Elective-I
  • Elective-II
  • Elective-III
  • Elective-IV
  • Elective-V
Group - I Electives from Sectoral/ Functional Area
(Choose any five from list of available options below)
  • Elective-I
  • Elective-II
  • Elective-III
Summer Internship Evaluation + Minor Project-2
Two General Electives – VI & VII
Dissertation Or Dissertation Plus Group - 2 General
Electives:- (Electives* IV & V)
Value Addition Courses (VAC): Value Addition Courses (VAC)
Business Communication Business Communication
Behavioural Science - III Behavioural Science - IV
Foreign Business Language-3 (optional for Foreign campuses) Foreign Business Language-4 (optional for Foreign campuses)


Semester III Semester IV
Entrepreneurship Process & Behavior Managing Corporate Entrepreneurship
Emerging Business Sectors & Technologies Financing New Business Ventures
Innovation & Creativity in Business Family Business Management
Strategies for Small Business Management Social Entrepreneurship
Corporate Culture & Intrapreneurship Managing a Growing Business
Enterprise Planning, Appraisal & Financing Corporate Entrepreneurship
Building Entrepreneurial Culture & Team Business Opportunities in Retailing & Franchising
Family Business Management Leading Change in Family Business
Enterprise Growth & Succession -
Small Business Management -
Businesses in Emerging Market -
Creativity & Innovation in Entrepreneurship -

See Also:

Syllabus of related courses

MBA with specialization in Digital Entrepreneurship

The syllabus for MBA with specialization in Digital Entrepreneurship is listed below : 

Semester 1 Semester 2
Managerial Economics Legal Aspects of Business
Statistics for Management Business Research Methods
Professional communication Financial Management
Accounting for Managers Human Resource Management
Marketing Management Conflict Resolution and Management
Semester 3 Semester 4
Strategic Management Major Project
Minor Project Management in Action - Social Economic and Ethical Issues
Professional Ethics Digital Marketing
Developing Entrepreneurial Skills Financial Aspects in Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship - Basics Successful Marketing
Idea scouting and its development -
Planning and launching of the product. -

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MBA Entrepreneurship & Family Business

The syllabus for MBA Entrepreneurship & Family Business is :

Semester I Semester II
Principles of Management Organisational Behaviour
Quantitative Techniques for Business Financial Management
Financial and Management Accounting Legal aspects and Business Environment
Marketing Management Production and Operations Management
Managerial Economics Research Methods for Business
Human Resource Management Management Information Systems
IT Skills Business Ethics and Corporate Governance
Semester III Semester IV
Innovation and Entrepreneurship/ MOOCs Strategic Management/ MOOCs
Project Management Family Business Models
Social Entrepreneurship Small Business Promotion Managing Conflict in Family Business, Leadership and Teamwork
Institutional & Legal Framework for Start-Ups & Family Business Taxation Laws & Planning
Small Business Promotion Master Thesis/ Dissertation
Communication and Branding Strategies Sickness and Turnaround Strategies for small business
Project Appraisal & Management/ Governmental Schemes for Entrepreneurship Development
Dynamics of Family Business Management Business Finance for Start – Ups and Growth
Summer Internship Project Artificial Intelligence in business
Business Analytics Intra-departmental Course
Inter-Departmental Course -

See Also:

MBA Entrepreneurship Syllabus Books

The important books for MBA Entrepreneurship Syllabus are : 

Books Author Name
Financial Markets Gordon & Natarajan. (BPB Publications)
Projects - Planning, Analysis, Selection, Implementation and Review Prasanna Chandra.
(Tata McGraw - Hill Publishing Corporation Limited, New Delhi)
Entrepreneurship Development Robert D.Hisrich, Michael P.Peters,Tata McGraw Hill edition
Project Management Harvey Maylor - Macmillan India Ltd.
Information Technology: Principles, Practices and Opportunities James A Senn, Prentice Hall
Business Environment Francis Cherunilam. (Himalaya Publishers)

MBA Entrepreneurship Syllabus FAQs

Ques. What is the scope of an MBA in Entrepreneurship?

And. After pursuing MBA in Entrepreneurship, students can get management positions in different fields such as Business operations, Financial management, Accounting and Auditing, Information security and Human resources.

Ques. Is MBA in Entrepreneurship good?

And. Even if a candidate's business venture fails, an MBA in Entrepreneurship will provide them with excellent professional knowledge and opportunities. MBA Entrepreneurship provides candidates with high-paying job titles and wages.

Ques. How long is an MBA in Entrepreneurship?

Ans.MBA in Entrepreneurship is a 2-year program that consists of four semesters. Students can pursue the MBA in Entrepreneurship course in full-time, part-time, online and distance learning modes.

Ques. What is the eligibility for MBA in entrepreneurship?

Ans.MBA in Entrepreneurship is a 2-year program that consists of four semesters and the minimum eligibility criteria for the course is a bachelor's degree in any discipline.

Ques. Is Entrepreneurship a good career?

Ans. Entrepreneurship is a good choice of career if students like to be independent and want to contribute something new to the society. 

Ques. What are the business opportunities in entrepreneurship?

Ans. There are many business opportunities for Entrepreneurs which are listed below:

  • Buy a Franchise.
  • Distributorship or Dealership.
  • Network Marketing.
  • Filling a Niche.

Ques. What is the difference between MBA and MBA Entrepreneurship?

And. An MBA will give students the core management skills they need to progress in their careers while specializing in entrepreneurship will teach them how to drive innovation, whether that's within a company or leading a startup of their own.

Ques. What are the benefits of studying an MBA in Entrepreneurship?

Ans. An MBA for entrepreneurs is one of the best ways for future business owners to learn how to launch a company, run it effectively, handle challenges and earn profit. The benefits of an MBA include skills learned, the knowledge acquired and the connections made during their education.

Ques. Which IIM is best for entrepreneurship?

Ans.IIM Bangalore is one of the top business schools in India and it has a lot of expertise in management, innovation, and entrepreneurship for business, government, and society.

Ques. What are the 4 Cs of entrepreneurship?

Ans. There are four C's of Entrepreneurship which are Curiosity, Commitment, Creativity, and Confidence.

Master of Business Administration [MBA] (Entrepreneurship) : 5 answered questions


Ques. I have done part time MBA from IIM Lucknow (WMP), Is it okay to apply for PGPX courses at IIM A/B/C?

● Top Answer By Sonal Agarahari on 09 Jan 23

Ans. No, I wouldn’t recommend you apply for a PGPX course at IIM A B or C if you have completed a part-time MBA from IIM Lucknow. The reason is the huge overlap of electives in almost all the programs offered at IIMs. Leaving a few courses most of which are repeated in all the programs be it part-time or full-time. Towards the end of the course, you might end up spending a hefty fee and lots of time and yet not learning anything new. If anything you might just get placed at a better firm. But that too will be useless if you are unable to harness the acquired knowledge and skills in the open market. The question is if your job will be worth your year lost, your lost opportunities, and 25-30 lakhs of loan. Still, if you want to pursue the course go for a top MBA course abroad. That might make a difference in your resume and job prospects.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. Should I go for a PGPM in MDI Gurgaon or for IIM L ABM?

● Top Answer By Rishika Shindde on 22 Feb 23

Ans. Go for the IIM Lucknow ABM program only if you are sincerely inclined towards agri. If not then choosing ABM will limit your career prospects considerably and you might even regret it later. MDI Gurgaon PGDM is one of the oldest programs that have great value. MDI Gurgaon can easily be called the country’s best B School. The admissions are solely based on merit so the quality of your peers is top-notch. Some major highlights of the institute and its PGDM program are Experienced permanent faculty Student-driven clubs Student-driven Mutual Fund  Elaborate alumni network  Lush green campus Excellent peer learning So you will not regret choosing MDI even over IIM Lucknow.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. What is the placement scenario for MBA in Entrepreneurship and family business from NMIMS, mumbai?

● Top Answer By Garima Rai on 01 Mar 23

Ans. The placement scenario for MBA in Entrepreneurship and family business from NMIMS, Mumbai is decent but not at par with a regular MBA. However, this is understandable enough as the course is less in demand than the regular MBA. However, the packages offered are quite low because the students joining the program are no geniuses with great academic backgrounds and interview performances. The low demand is the main reason for low packages. Mainly the students who choose this program over a regular MBA, don’t want to settle just for a job. Their primary goal is to get a better understanding of running a business. So the role offered pays less but is challenging enough. Anyone who is considering this profile should pay the least attention to packages and placement as the main agenda is to prepare for entrepreneurship. So your goal should be to get a challenging profile at a good company even if the package is low. Another major benefit of doing this course is getting yourself associated with an elaborate alumni network which will prove to be useful in the future.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. Which is a better career choice for MBA: BIMTECH (Insurance buisness management) or SIBM Pune (Enterpreneurship and innovation)?

● Top Answer By Aditi Banerjee on 17 Apr 23

Ans. BIMTECH's Insurance Business Management programme or SIBM Pune's Entrepreneurship and Innovation programme, the choice depends on your professional goals. BIMTECH's Insurance Business Management programme gives students a solid insurance and risk management foundation. The programme prepares students for careers in the significant and rising insurance business, which includes underwriting, claims administration, risk analysis, and sales and marketing. SIBM Pune's Entrepreneurship and Innovation programme is for students interested in launching their own businesses or working in entrepreneurial contexts. The programme teaches how to find new business possibilities, write business strategies, and run a profitable business. Both programmes have great job opportunities, but they impart different skills and knowledge. BIMTECH's Insurance Business Management programme is ideal for insurance professionals. If you want to establish a business or work in an entrepreneurial setting, then SIBM Pune's Entrepreneurship & Innovation programme is better. Consider your strengths, interests, and career goals before making a decision though.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. What are the reviews of ISME, Mumbai and its BME degree? Is it worth going for?

● Top Answer By Sumit Singh Gandhi on 13 Apr 21

Ans. ISME is located in Lower Parel, Mumbai. Its postgraduate program in Management Business and Entrepreneurship is quite popular. BME at ISME has a course span of 11 months. It gives an amazing blend of knowledge and a skill-based curriculum. The course mainly focuses on Management, Finance, strategy, and Entrepreneurship.  Highlights: ISME helps you to expand your network to more than 500 corporate companies. You will have great exposure to collaborative projects and industrial works. Internships and placement records on campus are worth mentioning.  ISME is very resourceful. Here you will get exposed to 3 niche startup accelerators along with partners who are industry giants like Google, Microsoft, etc. You will also be exposed to a bunch of investors who are helpful in launching a successful business.  BME majorly focuses on business analysis and Entrepreneurship. Faculties are well trained, highly qualified, and experienced.  Students are taught to challenge the status quo and are trained to come up with innovative ideas.  Institute gives you that extra push to reach your maximum potential.  ISME works on the motto of producing leaders with entrepreneurial mindsets.  College provides you with corporate connections of global level, the infrastructure and facilities on campus are top-notch. Moreover, the campus is located at an amazing location which is a great advantage to students. 'ISME Edge' is specifically designed to give its students a world-class learning experience.  To conclude, ISME is totally worth joining and BME is an amazing course offered by ISME.Read more
1 Answer


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Master of Business Administration [MBA] (Entrepreneurship) Colleges IN INDIA

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2.2 L first year fees
Amity University
Noida, Uttar Pradesh
6.72 L first year fees
23.95 K first year fees
50 K first year fees
Jain University - [JU]
Bangalore, Karnataka
9.9 L Total fees