byRituparna Nath Content Writer at Study Abroad Exams
TOEFL Sample Papers offer the best ever help to the test-takers with real-exam-like questions. These TOEFL exam question papers are available in PDF for download. Timed practice with these TOEFL question papers helps the candidates to crack TOEFL with a good score. TOEFL sample papers are available for 4 sections (reading, listening, speaking, and writing). TOEFL practice tests assist the candidates to have a strong grip on the TOEFL exam pattern and topics for each section.
TOEFL Writing Practice Test
In TOEFL Writing candidates are required to write well-organized and well-developed essays. You need to answer 2 questions within the time duration of 50 minutes.
TOEFL Writing Samples
TOEFL Reading Practice Test
In TOEFL Reading candidates are required to read 3-4 passages and answer 10 questions each. You need to answer 30-40 questions within the time duration of 54-72 minutes.
TOEFL Listening Practice Test
In TOEFL listening candidates are required to hear short and long conversations and answer questions. You need to answer 48-40 questions within the time duration of 41-57 minutes.
TOEFL Speaking Practice Test
In TOEFL speaking candidates are required to speak on a particular situation or opinion. You need to answer 4 questions within the time duration of 17 minutes.
*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.