It is mandatory to carry your WBJEE Admit Card 2023 along with a valid photo ID proof and a coloured photograph (as uploaded during registration) to the respective WBJEE 2023 Exam Center.
Direct Link to Download WBJEE 2023 Admit Card – SOON | 2023 Admit Card informs your about your WBJEE 2023 exam time, reporting time and address of the exam center with necessary exam day guidelines. In case of any discrepancy, candidates can call at WBJEE Helpline at 1800 345 0050.
WBJEE Admit Card 2023 Release Date
Registrants can download their admit cards as per the notified date. Given below are the dates to download WBJEE Admit Card 2023:
Event | Date |
Release of WBJEE Application Form 2023 | December 22, 2022 – January 20, 2023 |
Release of WBJEE Admit Card 2023 | April 20, 2023 |
WBJEE 2023 Exam Date | April 30, 2023 |
How to Download WBJEE Admit Card 2023?
The process to download WBJEE admit card 2023 is completely online. It should be noted that the admit card will not be mailed or sent to candidates. The facility of downloading the admit card will be available until the day of the examination. Check WBJEE 2023 Eligibility
Steps to Download WBJEE Admit Card 2023:
- Visit the official website of WBJEE –
- Click on “Download WBJEE Admit Card” link.
- A login portal will appear. Enter your Application Number and Password.
- Click on submit and your admit card will appear on the screen.
- Check all the details and download it.
Forgot WBJEE Password?
There are chances that a candidate may forget his/her password to log into WBJEE portal. In this scenario, candidates can follow the below-mentioned steps:
- Click on the ‘Forgot Password’ link.
- Options to reset your password will appear
- With the option you choose, you will be resent your password
How to Apply for Duplicate WBJEE Admit Card 2023?
Candidates can request for generation of duplicate WBJEE admit cards only till the date of examination.
- If a candidate needs a duplicate admit card after the examination, the Board will issue it but only till 60 days after the declaration of result.
- They must apply to the Board and pay a processing fee of INR 500 by a bank draft in the name of “West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board” payable in Kolkata.
Details in WBJEE Admit Card 2023
WBJEE admit card 2023 will contain the following information with regard to candidates taking up WBJEE 2023:
Candidate’s Name | Candidate’s Gender |
Candidate’s Category | Candidate’s Domicile |
WBJEE Application Number | Roll Number |
Course Name | Candidate’s Photograph |
Date & reporting timing of the examination | Exam day Instructions |
Examination venue with a proper address | Space for Signature |
Thumb Impression |
Discrepancy in WBJEE Admit Card 2023
It is the duty of an examinee to scrutinize all the details mentioned on WBJEE admit card. If any discrepancy is found regarding particulars like photograph and signature or any other information that varies from the confirmation page, applicants must report the problem to the official authority of WBJEE 2023 and get the problem fixed.
West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board
AQ-13/1, Sector- V, Salt Lake City
Phone: 1800-1023-781 (Toll-free)
Documents to Carry with WBJEE Admit Card 2023
Along with WBJEE Admit Card 2023, exam aspirants must carry a photo-identity card with them. We advise you to make arrangements for necessary documents beforehand to avoid the last hour rush. They can carry any one of the following documents:
PAN Card | Aadhaar Card |
Voter Identity Card | Passport |
Driving License | College ID |
School ID | 10+2 Admit Card |
WBJEE 2023 Exam Day Guideliens
- Candidates are advised to reach their respective WBJEE 2023 Exam Centers at least 30 minutes before the commencement of the paper.
- Candidates are allowed to carry the following items to the exam center:
- A printed copy of WBJEE 2023 Admit Card
- A copy of coloured photograph
- Any one of the original photo ID proof such as Aadhar Card, Pan Card, Passport, Voter ID, Class 10th ID card, School ID.
- Sanitizer and Face Mask (mandatory)
- Candidates are advised to take their seat 15 minutes before the commencement of test after the frisking has been completed.
- No candidate will be allowed to enter the examination hall after the commencement of test.
- Candidates must not carry any prohibited item such as printed or written material, calculator, pen, log table, wrist watch, mobile phones, etc to the exam hall. If any candidate is found in possession of any prohibited item, his/her candidate will be disqualified.
- WBJEE Question Paper and OMR sheet will be distributed to the candidates well in advance. Candidates must take out the OMR sheet first without breaking the seal on the question booklet and check that their OMR number and question booklet number are the same. If not, they must report it to the invigilator.
- Candidates must sign on top of the question booklet and read the instructions mentioned on the booklet and OMR seet very carefully.
- Students must fill the correct details on the OMR sheet including the question booklet number and roll number. In case any mistakes are done, candidates must ask the invigilator to make the required corrections and must never rewrite on the the OMR sheet themselves.
- Question booklet must be opened only at the time of the commencement of the exam and as announced by the invigilator.
- No discussion with the invigilator is allowed during the examination.
- Candidates can do the rough work on the blank paper provided inside the question booklet.
- No candidate can leave the exam hall till the end of the test and not without submission of the required documents.
WBJEE 2023 Exam Schedule
The entrance test consists of two papers namely Paper 1 and Paper 2. They are conducted in different sessions on the same day. Tabulated below is the schedule for WBJEE exam:
Paper | Subjects | Timing |
Paper 1 | Mathematics | 11:00 AM to 01:00 PM |
Paper 2 | Physics & Chemistry | 02:00 PM to 04:00 PM |
Check detailed WBJEE 2023 Exam Dates and Schedule
WBJEE Exam Centers 2023
- Allocation of centres is based on choices made during the registration procedure.
- The final centre is allocated at the discretion of the Board and it is considered as final.
- No request for a change in the allocated centre will be entertained under any circumstances.
- In case of inadequate numbers of candidates are not available or due to any unavoidable circumstances, any examination zone may be dropped from the list.
Know more about WBJEE Exam Centres
WBJEE Admit Card 2023 FAQs
Ques. When shall I be able to download WBJEE Admit Card 2023?
Ans.WBJEE admit card 2023 will be made available to download on April 24, 2023 on the official website. Candidates will be able to download their WBJEE Admit Card till April 30, 2023
Ques. What are the things I must carry on the examination day?
Ans. You should carry the following documents to enter the centre:
- A hard copy of WBJEE admit card 2023
- 2 copies of colour photograph (as was uploaded during the online application)
- Any photo identity card in original
- Sanitizer and Face Mask
Ques. I have lost my WBJEE admit card and now I am unable to download it. What should I do?
Ans. You can generate a duplicate WBJEE admit card until the exam date. After that, the admit card will be provided by the WBJEEB, but only till 60 days after the declaration of result . To obtain a duplicate admit card, you have to apply to the Board and pay a processing fee of INR 500 by a bank draft in the name of “West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board” payable in Kolkata.
Ques. Can the exam centre be changed after WBJEE admit cards are issued?
Ans. No, after the conclusion of WBJEE Registration and form correction process, no request for the change in exam centre will be entertained.
Ques. What are the reasons for not being able to download WBJEE Admit Card?
Ans. Listed below are the probable reasons to why you are unable to download your WBJEE admit card:
- If the application form is incomplete
- Low internet speed
- Entering incorrect credentials
Ques. Will WBJEE admit card 2023 be delivered personally to our addresses?
Ans.No, mode of availability of WBJEE 2023 Admit Cards is only online. The document will not be delivered personally to your address.
Ques. Is there any provision to download a duplicate copy of WBJEE 2023 admit card?
Ans.Yes, you can generate a duplicate WBJEE Admit Card, in case you lost it or defaced it, but only till the date of examination. After that, if you request for a duplicate admit card, the board will issue it, but it will be chargeable.
Ques. What is the fee for a duplicate WJEE admit card after the examination?
Ans. Requesting a duplicate WBJEE admit card, after the exam, will cost you INR 500. The fee has to be remitted by a bank draft in the name of “West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination Board” payable at Kolkata.
Ques. How can I locate or find directions to the examination hall of WBJEE?
Ans. One can locate their exam centre as the admit card will carry the exact address with the landmark for the exam. In case you are not sure about your WBJEE exam centre, visit the location once before the examination day, to be sure.
Ques. What can I do if there is any discrepancy in WBJEE admit card 2023?
Ans. As soon as you receive your WBJEE Admit Card 2023, carefully check all the information mentioned on the admit card. In case of any discrepancy, like incorrect photograph or signature or any other information, report it to the official authority of WBJEE and get the problem solved before the exam day.
Ques. If I am issued a corrected admit card, which WBJEE 2023 admit card should I bring to the examination hall?
Ans. Candidates who got their respective admit cards corrected due to any reason, are advised to bring both corrected and uncorrected WBJEE 2023 admit card to the examination hall, to avoid any issues.
*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.