Mr. Sasanka Dutta is the Chairman at BUIE, Bankura, WB. He is a visionary leader who works towards upliftment of education by bringing in different methodologies. He makes sure to nurture the students and provide a learning space at his institution to help them grow and build a prosperous career. Read here what he has to say in his interview.

What is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?

“It is my responsibility to ensure the smooth functioning of the institute”

Being the chairman of the board of governors of Bankura Unnayani Institute of engineering, I look at its overall functioning and how it should move ahead with keeping the institute's vision. As the chairman of this college, I do not take any monetary payment from this institute; this is a voluntary service out of my concern for society's betterment.

What do you see as Bankura Unnayani Institute of Engineering's greatest strength?

“Our committed faculties with vast industrial experience are the backbone of the institute”

Our greatest strength is our top-class devoted faculties, their vast teaching experience, and the research work which is driving the institute to its glory. As happens in many private colleges, the staff is not given a full salary. Still, we at Bankura Unnayani Institute of Engineering are committed to our teachers and staff. We have made no pay cut even in this challenging time; many prominent faculties from other colleges are coming to our institute because of the People-centric culture.

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How does the curriculum of Bankura Unnayani Institute of Engineering ensure the best practice of industry?

“We want to make sure that our students are future entrepreneurs to help prosper the country”

We are preparing students in the line with the motto of Atma Nirbhar Bharat to be the future entrepreneurs, given by the government of India. We want to ensure that our students meet the industry standards and become a good human resource to the country.

“BUIE believes the value of creativity and innovation lies in facilitating the development of novel and effective technological solutions stimulated by change. The institute tries to bring holistic engineering studies to connect creativity, design, and engineering.”

What do you think should be the Bankura Unnayani Institute of Engineering's top priority over the next 10 years?

“Our Priority is on research and top-class faculty”

At the local level, we are trying to maintain the best education standards for engineering education by bringing in the best faculty. One of our faculties visited China for one international project before the COVID situation with study leave from the institute's side. Beside this a good no of research publications of our faculties have been published in various national and international journals. We always encourage our faculties for various Faculty Development Programme not only by appreciation but also with monetary benefits.