Dr. Ashok Shrivastava is the former Director at IIMT College of Engineering. His academic accomplishments include Ph.D.(ME) from IIT Kanpur (1985), M.Tech.(ME) from IIT Kanpur (1978), and M.Sc. (Phy) from IIT Kanpur (1971). Dr. Ashok has 8 years of academic management experience as Director of Engineering Colleges, 16 years R & D experience as Scientist/ Researcher, 22 years Industry/Corporate experience as Chief Executive/Technical Adviser/General Manager/Sr.Manager (having implemented 12 industrial Projects worth $700 million, including 10 Y in Saudi Arabia as Technical Adviser implementing $240 million Float Glass/Mirror/glass bottles projects).
Dr. Ashok believes himself to be very energetic, bubbling with energy, ready to provide mentoring and team leadership. He has been felicitated with “Higher Education Leadership Award”, in “10th World Education Summit 2017” by Sri V S Radha Krishnan, Education Minister, Sri Lanka. He was also invited as a speaker in the roundtable discussion on ‘Building Knowledge Economy Through Quality Higher Education’ in 10th World Education Summit 2017.
The Higher Education Leadership Award, very humbly accepted by me, gave me an additional responsibility to leverage out much more out of me in form of critical value additions to all stakeholders including students, parents, faculties, staff and management/owners, for providing correct responses and solutions to various issues and problems faced by current higher education system.
Award: Dr. Ashok Shrivastava being felicitated with “Higher Education Leadership Award” at the “10th World Education Summit 2017” on 11th Aug 2017 in Le Meridian New Delhi, by Sri V S Radha Krishnan, Education Minister, Sri Lanka.
Higher education is critically important for the economic and increasingly social development of the region and the country. Higher education develops leaders, advances scholarship and facilitates knowledge sharing while informing the industry of innovations and new efficiencies through research and development of products and processes. Institutions in the sector need to ensure that they support excellence while maintaining quality relevance and increased impact in the communities they operate in. The role of higher education changed in the changed scenario was a matter of discussion. The institutions’ contribution to the economy through direct employment is also discussed.
Type of economies as identified are:
Although there are exceptions, these three stages typically are associated with rising levels of GDP growth. Exceptions may be cited as the oil-rich petro-states or non-oil mineral-rich states. In category 2, higher education and training is posited as one of the pillars for differentiating an efficiency-based economy from a basic economy. And in Stage 3, the Innovation-driven economy, new and different technologies and sophisticated business processes and models is the differentiator with stage 2; again, requiring still higher levels of education and training.
Invited Speaker: Dr. Ashok Shrivastava speaking in the Round Table Discussion On Building Knowledge Economy Through Quality Higher Education in 10th World Education Summit 2017 on 11th Aug 2017 at Le Meridian, New Delhi.
By God’s grace, I have 46 years of total enriched professional experience comprising as: