kdk college of engineering Nagpur

Dr. Valsson Varghese is the Professor and Head, Civil Engineering Department at KDK College of engineering Nagpur. Having spent a considerable amount of time in the education field, he emphasizes on the importance of continuous improvement via experiential learning. He brings the same into picture by following different methodologies. Read here what he has to say in his interview. 

What do you see as the greatest Strengths of KDK College of Engineering, Nagpur?

“We make sure our students are well-versed with the current industry trends”

KDK College of Engineering, Nagpur is always at the forefront in providing the academic and personality values to the budding engineers. Quality assurance guaranteed by the NBA and NAAC is one of the milestones. We are NBA accredited, ISO certified, Grade A assigned by Govt of Maharashtra, Green Campus Award by ISTE are some other features three times.

Students have various facilities to utilize their time effectively. We have MoUs with leading Industrial Units for the Internship for students, meritorious acclamation in University Examinations, Sports and other competitive Co-curricular events. The entire gamut of a college education is student concentric. The pillars of society are fortified in a way to build a strong nation. 

How does the curriculum of KDK College of Engineering, Nagpur ensure the best practice of industry?

“The faculties, Industry professionals contribute their expertise and opinion in amending the curriculum”

We, at KDKCE, take a step further to fortify the ability and skills of the students. At the same time, they undergo learning at college, by learning various Software learnings, live case study-based projects, various Mini projects, Seminars on various technological advancements that make students understand the importance and increase their Intelligence quotient. The industrial training during the vacation period is an add on in the curriculum, which adds value in the university credit, which helps them gain practical knowledge.

The best practices, with the decentralisation of authority, are that each department has their respective student bodies, Student chapters of professional organisations. This student chapter conducts multidisciplinary events for the college students, and even for other college students, thereby they learn the leadership qualities which work individually and in the group, benefits the society and understand the intricacies of solving complex problems with ethical standards. Thus LifeLong learning modalities are imposed while undergoing education.

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What do you think your roles and responsibilities to the Institute and the students are?

“I want my students to grow in all dimensions”

I wish to see that the performance of students should be best as far as Extra-Curricular activities are concerned. All-round efforts for robust Teaching Learning, interactive and more students concentric are made. The student's Internship programmes at various industries during the post End semester exams, Live Project studies, Mini project with societal importance, a seminar on technological advancements, participation in National & International conferences, workshops, Learning Different Softwares of preference, provides ample scope of building healthier careers ahead. 

The quantum of responsibility is enormous when we see that each of our students performs for the sake of building a career in turn building the nation. I owe the opportunity to the management and administration of the College in performing my responsibility diligently.

How do you tend to establish a healthy relation and environment in your institute?

“A robust outlines, cordial relationship, for the welfare of stakeholders envisages a healthier relationship”

KDK College has always stood for the welfare of Staff and Students. The choice of remaining in the college inspires other faculties for an opportunity to serve in the college. It has undoubtedly happened due to the well-defined and unambiguous relationship of the Management, Staff and students.

The student concentric environment where study occupies a higher step in the ladder, sports and co-curricular activities parallely moves with the study. Teaching Learning modalities, skill development, research orientations for those seekers are prominent scales in healthier relationships. 

Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

“Competition helps to drive positive motivation in students”

The global competitive scenario in every sector prompts each one of us to remain more challenging and explore the opportunities. The technology is vast, expanding its horizon to suit the multi-disciplinary professions. Technocrats need to develop ample skill to accommodate the developing scopes and avenues. Today’s youth stands intelligent, bright and aware of the fundamental requirements. More and more youth has the capability of accomplishing any task, confidence in performance, passion, dedication in assigned work with the sense of responsibility.

The education system guarantees each one of the aspirants to seek a better way of life, still challenges in the form of competitions in many sectors need to be carefully studied, understood and implemented. Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.

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