Meenakshi College of Engineering

Mr. K Premkumar is the Admissions Head at Meenakshi College of Engineering. He also heads the Department of Electronics and Communication at MCE. He completed his Bachelor’s in Engineering in Electronics and Communication Engineering and my Masters in the domain of Embedded Systems. Currently, he is pursuing his research PhD from Anna university. He has a professional experience of over 15 years in the field of teaching.

He has published a number of research papers in National and International Journals. Two of his best papers are, a paper titled “A singular value decomposition based low computational zero watermarking Algorithm for Digital Right Management” in International Journal of Engineering and advanced Technology (IJEAT)-(Scopus Journal) and “Multi Information Amount movement Aware-routing in FANET Flying Ad-hoc Networking” in Springer- Annexure 1 Journal. He has worked with several Engineering colleges in the past before joining Meenakshi College of Engineering.

The ecosystem of the education system keeps me connected with this domain 

I’ve spent most of my professional career spanning across 15+ years in the education industry as a Lecturer at various colleges. The key factor that kept me connected with the education sector is the Education ecosystem. While teaching is my passion, it helps me to stay updated with the Technological advances and Current affairs through interaction with my students. I have always believed in Equal Access to Education paving the way for high learning productivity, more empathy and understanding among students, and eradicating literacy. Being a part of this causes us another factor that kept me connected to this industry for so many years. Also, the exchange of knowledge that happens between Teachers is also phenomenal and as they say, learning is long process and I thoroughly enjoy the process,

The entire educational curriculum has been conducted as per norms and schedule

All the programs under Meenakshi College of Engineering are as per the syllabus prescribed by Anna University as we are an affiliated college. However, as per the guidelines of Anna University, a small proportion of the final marks depends on the internal performance of the student in various college conducted examinations, attendance etc. At Meenakshi College of Engineering, this internal valuation part is taken very seriously and we ensure that the student gains enough practical and application knowledge of all the theory concepts they study in their textbooks.

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We have curated many programs to enhance the skills of the students which exposes them to real life challenges

We do have many extracurricular activities and programs to enhance the skills of the students, and to expose them to the real-world challenges. We have Industrial visits where the students are taken to various companies depending on their field of study. Here, they interact with the personnel of the factory/company and understand the internal functioning of the organization. We also provide internship and live project opportunities to our students. Here, they work on small projects given to them by companies while being mentored by experts. The amount of learning and exposure they get through these events is immense. Not just that, the students who participate in these live projects and internships have better chances of getting hired as this is a good value addition to their profiles. Besides these, we also have several extracurricular activities such as inter and Intra College sports meets where they learn about teamwork, NSS Camps where they take part in community services, Symposiums where they interact with students from other colleges etc.

We have an exclusive placement cell whose sole aim to interact with various companies and increase the employability of our students

Being one of the oldest and well known colleges in Chennai city, our placement statistics are really good. The average package is of Rs 3 lakhs per annum and highest package is 8 lakhs per annum. We have a long list of IT and non-IT companies that visit our college for recruitment. At a departmental level, we have initiatives such as the Technical Skills Program where the students take part in Hackathons, Aptitude tests and Communication skill programs. We ensure that every student who enrolls at Meenakshi College of Engineering has a fair chance of securing a job through campus placement by the end of his/her course. Our students are trained in all technical, non-technical and soft skills that are required to secure a job.

I believe in the philosophy to inspire and lead through actions  

Being the Head I believe to inspire and lead through action. I feel I am best suited to make decisions and lead the team considering the vast experience I carry. Some hard decisions are like hard to swallow pills. While it is best for the Institution and stakeholders if the decision is taken, it will not be easy to implement it. While I am easily approachable to anyone in the department, I act with decisiveness, authority and power. I will provide my team with instruction and action to meet the needs of the students. 

It is important for the student to acquire a degree with immense knowledge in the domain 

One of the Biggest challenges I see both for higher education in general and for my institute is what happens after the Completion of a degree. According to a survey by Aspiring Minds, over 80% of the graduating engineers in India are not employable. They lack the necessary skills for companies to hire them. Getting a Bachelors of Engineering (B.E) degree has become some sort of addiction among the parents and students, especially in south India. This is resulting in lakhs of under qualified engineers entering the job market. Colleges need to step up their efforts to get their students good jobs. Government should have strict rules and regulations for the accountability of for-profit colleges and ensure a smooth transition for students into their professional lives. 

Achieving the goals requires effort and hard work, even if we do not enjoy doing that work

My little piece of advice for the entire student’s community is that we should continue our struggle to achieve success and a good career. Life is not easy; there is no short-cut to success. Learning and hard work are not interesting like TV Shows and movies you watch on the internet; but it is only Learning and Hard Work which are the keys for a successful life. 

You do not have to be a talented or a gifted person to achieve your life goals. What we call Talent is a direct result of hard work. In order to succeed in life, you need to follow a few ground rules. Understand the depth of competition, Identify that one thing that you ultimately desire for (Long term goal), try to differentiate yourself from the pool by upskilling, Ego should never be a deterrent in competition, Keep yourself updated with current affairs and continuously learn about the current technologies in your field of studies.

Click here Meenakshi College of Engineering Placement

Our robust backbone is formed by the people we are associated with who help us in our day-to-day lives

Our strong curriculum, caliber of students who enroll, efficient team work and understanding between the faculty & students, research opportunities and state of art labs are some forms our biggest strengths. Apart from these there are few intangible assets that Meenakshi College of Engineering possesses like Quality graduate program, Strength of character that is the steadiness in the midst of difficulties, strong work ethic and commitment to quality, positive morale, student environment that is learning communities, student organizations and clubs, willingness to recognize weaknesses and make improvements and close proximity to industries and R&D organizations are some of the greatest strengths of the Meenakshi college of Engineering.