Abhinav Sharma is the Director at the Northern Institute of Engineering (Technical Campus). He plans on providing the students with more skills and research-oriented courses. He also focuses on improving placements for the betterment of the students. Here’s what he has to say in his interview:
What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?
“Engaging with new minds”
The education sector has always been an integral part of my life. It has provided me knowledge and experience which I always wanted. In this sector, my social life has always been good. I interact with a lot of people daily which gives me happiness as well as something new to learn every day. There is always huge respect for teachers, principals, directors, and other dignitaries.
Being in a leadership role in a college, I always interact with multi-talented young minds which helps me understand their thought process.
What is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?
“Maintaining a happy and healthy work environment for their peers and employees”
Leadership is an art. Every leader has to invent their new style to manage the organization they work for. For me, these factors define my leadership style: Relationship management, optimism, facilitator, the solution to every problem, happy and healthy work environment. A leader should always know how to maintain good relations with peers, subordinates, and even with competitors. A leader should never lose hope even in bad times.
Check Northern Institute Of Engineering Technical Campus Courses & Fees
How do you strategize about the key programs and plans for the marketing and administration of your school?
“Following the principle of ‘Word of Mouth”
In today’s world marketing has become a very essential tool in every sector. Even if your product is excellent and you don’t have a proper marketing strategy, then chances are that your company will fail. It is similar to the education sector also. We at NIET focus on quality education as well as on marketing. We ensure that the quality of our education is such that every person associated with us should spread positive things about college. Apart from this we also focus on digital marketing and offline marketing by putting advertisements through Hoardings, newspapers, etc. Finally, we also have a School Connect Program which has been very productive for us.
How does the curriculum of NIET ensure the best practice of industry?
“Ensuring the overall development of the student along with theoretical knowledge”
The major problem with the education industry is that its main focus is on theoretical knowledge. Of course, theoretical knowledge is important but focusing only on the theoretical part can never yield good results. At NIET we emphasize practical and research work for students. Our labs are fully modernized and well equipped. Apart from that, we are providing industrial internships and projects in our curriculum.
What do you see as NIET’s greatest strengths?
“Working closely as a family”
Every college has its strengths from which they try to transform the lives of students. Similarly, at NIET, we believe that the strengths lie in our focus on student’s growth. We constantly strive towards excellence keeping in mind the ethical values necessary to grow as a social being. Lastly, the mutual trust and respect between our students, employees, and the dignitaries holds our institution together.
Click here Northern Institute Of Engineering Technical Campus Placement
Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?
“Only degree is not enough”
There is a lot of advice which I have for the youth. I have found out that many students only focus upon getting a degree rather than education. A student should develop the necessary skills and should gain proper knowledge to grow in the future. Rather they should be emotionally strong and should focus upon achieving their goals in life. Lastly, I would say that working on one thing at a time with full dedication can be more beneficial than being confused in multiple tasks.