Mr. Shainkee Sharma is working as a HOD of Computer Science and Engineering at Professional Institute of Engineering and Technology. He has 8 years of experience in the education industry with multiple innovative projects and research work with strong technical experience. He has published various papers on data mining in international journals. He is working to Incorporate Universal Human Values in Higher Education and have a Strategic Approach for Research and Innovation field.

Professional Institute of Engineering and Technology

What are your roles and responsibilities?

“To prepare them for future by providing best education”

My accountability for my students basically includes Ensuring discipline among them, Facilitating and supervising the co-curricular activities of the students. Inspiring students to be creative and innovative and recommending departments to create opportunities for them. Beside all this, I also counsel the students who are absent for the mid test or irregular to the class work.

How do you establish healthy relations with the students and fellow faculties?

“By providing environment to communicate openly”

For a healthy relationship with students, I teach with Enthusiasm and Passion, Incorporate Humor into Lessons. I also try to make learning fun for them, Incorporate Storytelling into Lessons and show an Interest in their lives outside of school. Coming to fellow faculty, maintaining a good rapport and disciplined behavior, sharing academic activities and good interaction are some of the practices which I generally follow.

How do you introduce a practical approach in subjects to make them industry oriented?

“By introducing guest lecture to get what exactly industry wants”

We do several things to ensure the industry demand is fulfilled by our curriculum. In addition to updating us with current trends and technologies and implementing these into the daily classes, we invite people from the industry to do workshops with our students and teaching staff. By doing so, we get fresh ideas and inspiration and an insight into current practices that we can bring into the classroom.

Which practices are offered by the department to help students gain necessary skills?

“By ensuring their participation in various extra-curricular activities”

The Department has encouraged students to pursue internships during the vacations and acquire necessary problem solving skills. Besides that, sessions are organized for final year students to prepare them for industries and corporate culture. This includes, time management, Planning and Prioritization, Verbal and Nonverbal Skills, Effective Communication Skills, Group Discussion and Team Building Skills Etiquette and Interview Skills.

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How do you strategize and update curriculum to make it beneficial for the students?

“Curriculum is prepared after industry-experts and professors suggestions”

We take a lot of steps to ensure that the curriculum is fulfilling the need of the hour. We conduct Professional Learning Communities, Develop Learning Targets & Common Formative Assessments. We also take care of personalized learning for all students.

How does your department prepare students for higher education and placement?

“By providing them best infrastructure and learning opportunities”

Given the rapid pace at which the field is evolving, we continuously engage with academic leaders and industry giants to provide leading-edge technology and updated information to our students. Our well-equipped laboratories and innovative pedagogy focus on creating links between theory and practice. We prepare our students for higher education by Career counselling, Workshops, All-inclusive Training, Mock Interviews etc.

How do you help your student to cope with the competitive world?

“We strive to keep them focused & goal oriented”

Making them attentive in the class, creating interest in the subject, engaging them to follow class seriously, asking them questions in between, conducting quiz, conducting class tests and giving prizes encourages and improves competitive spirit in students.

What extracurricular activities are conducted to enhance the skills of students?

“Various indoor and outdoor programs are conducted”

We keep on organizing co-curricular activities such as Debate sessions for students, Computer quiz competition, Group discussion. These activities help students to develop problem-solving, reasoning, critical thinking, creative thinking, communication, and collaborative abilities.

What challenges have you faced to elevate education quality for your department?

“Formation of curriculum as per the industry needs and train our faculties for the same”

Department heads mainly face the critical task of designing a curriculum that is comprehensive and more encompassing, ensuring attendance & Discipline to control misconducts by students. Beside that scheduling classes, students report scheduling problems.

What was your vision while joining this college and how are you trying to achieve them?

“To increase the business value for college”

My vision is to enhance our reputation as a world-class teaching and research institution which is recognized for its innovation, excellence and discovery, and attracts the best students and staff worldwide.

How do the department train faculties to prepare them for industry standards?

“By providing them training programs to enhance their skills”

In the field of education, it is particularly important for our college administrators to encourage teachers to pursue professional development, not only to ensure the best learning outcomes for their students but also to be more effective and satisfied in various other aspects of their work.

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What are the approaches you bring in apart from curriculum to teach the students?

“We encourage them to think out of the box”

Learning experiences outside the classroom are forms of experiential learning. Under this framework, students encounter authentic problems, construct novel hypotheses, test for real solutions, and interact with others to make sense of the world around them. Because experiential learning is inherently and interdisciplinary.

What is your college’s greatest strength and how can it be enhanced?

“Our students, teaching as well as non-teaching staff”

I believe a positive reputation in the external community is a must to reflect what is our college’s strength. The proactive support of our students, faculty involvement with students, as well as contribution of non-teaching staff plays an important role for day to day operations of our college and hence they are our greatest strength. 

Any valuable advice would you like to the students for a prosperous career ahead?

“Always give your best and take failures as another learning opportunity”

I would like to advice my students that 

  • Make your own path
  • Never look back in regret -- move on to the next thing
  • Embrace failure
  • Don't just follow your passion but something larger than yourself
  • With success comes unhelpful criticism -- ignore it