Sai Vidya institute of technology

Prof.Y. Jayasimha is the Dean Academics at Sai Vidya Institute of Technology. He is one of the co-founders of SVIT. He has an extensive background in the field of academics. His passion for teaching helps him contribute to society by creating professionals of the best kind. 

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

“To set up an institution that gets recognized for the education it provides”

The most important factor that has kept me going in this sector is my passion for teaching. I have always had this strong desire to set up a landmark in establishing a center of excellence that is comparable with the best institution in the country. I aim at bringing about changes in the society by providing quality technical education, and to create leaders and professionals of the new generation. 

What is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?

“Inclusive teamwork brings out the best in everyone”

My leadership style calls for taking everybody along, considering my faculty as my colleagues, rather than my subordinates. I am a sincere believer of teamwork. Being a leader in an educational institute is different from being a leader in a business house. Here I believe leadership is setting an example with my actions for others to follow. 

How do you strategize about the key programs and plans for the marketing and administration of your Institute?

“Following the trend of the digital era”

The key programs and plans for the marketing involve social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, to propagate the good work done by my students and faculty members. Before marketing, the value of the institute has to be great in terms of academic value. Talking about the administration, I believe that the theory of decentralization works the best. It is important to identify one’s talents and weaknesses before assigning them the job. Once this is done, no meticulous screening will be required. 

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How does the curriculum of SVIT ensure the best practices of industry?

“Getting industry experts to mentor our students”

At SVIT, students are encouraged to take part in co-curricular activities apart from their routine classes. We facilitate mandatory internships in the industry under the guidance of the professionals. The students are encouraged to take up NPTEL courses. We involve students in research activity so that they get maximum exposure to the recent development in the technological world. At SVIT, we are on the verge of starting SSB Training for entry as technical officers in Indian Airforce and Navy. These initiatives help our aspiring technocrats by providing them with the best experiences. 

What do you think should be the Institute’s top priority over the next 10 years?

“Being a recognized and reputed identity in the academic sector”

Priorities over the next 10 years are:

  • getting NBA and NAAC accreditation. 
  • to expand the courses and introduce courses as per the changing industrial needs
  • Getting permanent affiliation within a couple of years
  • Getting autonomous status to establish ties with leading universities to facilitate student/staff exchange programs 

When you first came to SVIT, what was your vision for the Institute? Has it evolved over time, and how far along in implementing that vision are you?

“Setting an example for others to follow”

One of the objectives was to impart high quality education and to become a benchmark in the standards. From the feedback that we have received from various sources like students, parents, and all care takers, we are quite satisfied that we could implement this objective to our satisfaction. However, there is always scope for improvement. Anything that doesn’t change is considered to be dead. We are striving all the time in the pursuit of perfection. At the time of establishing the institute, we also had a dream of expanding the institute in all horizons. We have successfully established a master's program and doctoral program. My vision for the future of the institute will always lie in its development.

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What would you like people to know about your Institute they may not know?

“Students creating a recognition overseas”

When people talk of an institute, they only think of the infrastructure and placements. Though these are important factors, there are many more aspects to an institute. The most neglected aspect of an institute’s parameters is the R&D activity. Our institute provides a unique opportunity for the students in this regard. Under the R&D activity, 7 patents have been filed, one international patent has been awarded. Many students have taken active part in this activity and got benefitted. Our students have presented their work in top international forums abroad. 

What do you see as the institute’s greatest strengths?

“The zeal and enthusiasm displayed by the faculty members”

The Institute's greatest strength is the faculty commitment. Many trustees are actively involved in improving the teaching and learning process. We have been able to foster a strong bond among the faculty to work like a team without any biases or prejudice. The faculty is well-versed in their fields but they are constantly encouraged to learn and improve. This commitment profoundly has an impact on a student's learning process. 

What are some of the biggest challenges you see, both for higher education in general and for SVIT specifically?

“Going beyond the prescribed curriculum”

You know we are in an affiliated system of education. The biggest challenge, therefore, will be in framing the curriculum. We do not have complete freedom when it comes to designing the curriculum. This challenge is addressed by providing a platform for beyond syllabus learning. The challenges include conducting workshops, webinars and guiding students to take up project work concerning the changing technology. The quality of the projects depend on the funding received from national bodies. The on-going funded projects also provide an exposure to students to the technology but that can not become a part of the syllabus. 

What are some plans that you’re currently (or will be) designing for international affairs and/or students?

“Being a household name for the best education”

We are engaging students in research activities so that they can take part in international conferences. This research work has already attracted two international students from France to do an internship at SVIT for a duration of three months. This year also a few more students from abroad were planning to get involved in a student exchange program, but due to the pandemic situation, things came to a halt. We believe in projecting the institution in international forums by its quality work. This should and will attract students to consider SVIT as a favored destination for improving their knowledge. This is a simple and humble attempt that will surely yield results.

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Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

“Getting a degree should not be the only goal”

Today’s generation has access to any kind of information. My suggestion to all students is to take up the course they are passionate about. Besides that, equip yourself with skills that you feel or see are relevant in today’s industrial society. Build a strong foundation of fundamentals. Instead of searching for jobs, the job should search for you. The majority of the students are not passionate about the course they have taken up. This results in failure of students in excelling.