Prof. Biswas is the Director and CEO of Techno India University & Techno India Group. He is a Doctorate in Engineering after having his B Tech from Jadavpur University and MBA from Calcutta University where he was the recipient of Gold Medal for securing First Class Honours with First Position. Prof Biswas is an Anchor and Director of one of the most popular Celebrity Motivational Talk Shows of the town, “ JOYER PATHEY SANGEY SUJOY '' which has been running successfully for the last three and half years in HIGH NEWS Channel and completed 190 Episodes till date. Sujoy loves calling himself a “Motivational Speaker” which he does the work of motivating the younger generation always very passionately. Dr Sujoy Biswas is taking training in eastern classical vocal training for the last four (4) years and is currently the lead singer of a musical band “ TROYEE “ where the other members are his wife and daughter.
I wanted to give back to society through my knowledge and experience
I have been in the education industry for the past 12 years. After spending my time in the biggest industry giants, it was time for an academician like me to give back to society. What better an industry could be than education. I guess I have the right platform to share my experience so that the students can get their escape velocity to get settled in life. I realized that I had the right background and experience to make it happen. And I realized that it was the best kind of industry to work for.
The best quality a leader can acquire is empathy
Leadership should be all about empathy. A leader should put himself/herself in someone else's shoes. I articulate the fact that people should respond and not react. Leadership is about working together, it’s about having a mission and a vision. It’s about being amiable towards people, simultaneously sweet but strong. The leader should be very focused on what he/she is trying to achieve and lead from the front. A leader should build trust through his/her vision and the path that he/she craves for others to follow.
What I practice is what I preach to my students
When I was young, I used to react to the situations and used to get upset. But, over the years, I evolved and got to know, if you do good, then good is going to come back to you. I follow a similar approach to my leadership. I have always preached the same to my colleagues and students. What I practice is what I give back in the form of motivation to my students. Success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal. My style of leadership is to focus on a worthy goal and realize progressively to achieve that.
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Motivation is action, and inspiration is the achievements of the people who set examples
The placement scenario in the eastern part of the country, and overall as well, has been close to being bleak. Over the years we have tried to increase the number of companies coming to the group. The numbers have significantly increased and shown improvements. Another challenge that I am facing, and I am still working on it is to make the students write research papers and to get it published in the best of the journals. Without research, we will not be able to achieve the quality that is desirable. Also, motivating students for higher studies is a challenging task, but I like to face it every day. I try to make them understand that higher studies are very essential and now as the lifespan has also increased, till the time you survive, you have to keep on earning and in that case you have to have a strong academic record. I cannot motivate, but I can inspire them. Motivation is action, but inspiration is through examples of people who have already achieved it and that I do it continuously.
We reach out to the industry experts to keep our curriculum updated
The curriculum matters the most. During the teaching-learning process, we fetch the advice of experts in the industries. Whenever experts from industries reach out to us, we jot down the skills and knowledge, which are required for the students to get placed in the industry. This way we make sure that our curriculum remains updated and the students acquire new skill-sets.
We have labs for IoT, AI, and VR, which are set-up by companies to train our students. We try to give all the additional global facilities to our students so that they are future-ready.
People should work hard, and not procrastinate
The intellect level of every student is not the same. The top-notch quality a student must possess should be diligence. They should practice ethical practices. Unethical things are not going to make them worthy or successful. They should remember that there is no alternative to hard work.
I keep quoting one of my favorite management experts, Mr. Shiv Khera, who says, successful people don't do different things, they do things differently. So, I advise people to do the hard work, and not to procrastinate. Whatever you do you do it today itself and not tomorrow, not the day after tomorrow. Be consistent, be adaptive, be humble, and have respect for everyone.
Faculties are different, and so is their teaching style
Nothing can be ideal. If I have to define an ideal culture of an institute, it would be students accepting the fact that all the faculties cannot deliver the same kind of lectures. Some of the lectures are going to be worthy of listening, some may not be that worthy. Although good academicians come to our college and university, the level of lectureship may differ. The students have to be regular. If they are focussed and regular, they will complete 60% of their studies.Also, don't rely much on Google. It has not been the alternative to classroom education. Otherwise, colleges and universities wouldn't have existed. Students have to maintain a decorum to lead a good life ahead by being disciplined.
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A relationship is a two-way process
A relationship is a two-way process. The faculty should remember that the students are grown-up individuals. They have to give them respect, guide and counsel them because they are young, and don't have much experience with life. They need to understand them better. The responsibility for having a healthy relationship goes more to the faculty than the student.
Also, the students should understand that the learning is going to support them throughout their lifetime, and they should support them and should be respectful. if you give respect, you get it back. I emphasize taking one step at a time. Any additional knowledge that will stay for a long time is treasured knowledge, and you should keep it, and you should try to inculcate it to your database, throughout your life.
Central and college placement team works in sync to provide placements
The current scenario of the industries in our country is in a bad shape. Compared to that, we are doing a great job. Recruiters come to Techno India because our placements are excellent. We impart quality education. We have a record of the number of Ph.D. 's. as faculties in our colleges and university. So we try to recruit faculties who are best in academics. But, the best of the academics don’t ensure the best of the jobs. For that, we have a central and a college placement team, both of which work in sync in tandem to provide placements to all of our students.
As the economy is in a slowdown, the number of bulk recruiters has fallen, because of which the total higher education industry suffers. Additionally, the onus is also on the students. They have to study hard and prepare themselves. At the time of recession, only the good students get placed.
Global accreditation will ensure the placements globally
We are aiming for NBA accreditation for our courses. The NBA accreditation by Washington accord will ensure the placement of the students globally. We are aiming to give each of our student's multiple placement opportunities so that they have the bargaining power to decide their future. We are working to make our student’s industry ready by imparting industrial training in the industry ready labs, from the industry veterans.
Also check Techno India Group & University Placement
Success is a composition of Hard work and Luck
There is no substitute for hard work. So, hard work combined with luck is the best ingredient for huge success. I firmly believe that success is 80% hard work and 20 % luck. So I urge you all to do the 80%, and the rest 20% will follow. Genius is not inspiration, it's only perspiration. You have to do hard work to perspire and to be successful. Also, you have to remember that life is a rough and rugged journey. There will be setbacks. But, bouncing back from failure is a success. I will recite the best two lines that I keep on saying all over the places wherever I travel :
"Koshish Karne Walon Ki
Kabhi Haar Nahi Hoti,
Kabhi Har Nahi Hoti,
Kabhi Haar Nahi Hoti.”