Mr. Ambika Mishra is the Executive director of Ambalika Institute of Management and Technology. He is a graduate in history and pure anthropology and also possesses an M.B.A. Under his guidance, various engineering, Management and diploma colleges were established by his organization that provides holistic education for students.

Ambalika Institute of Management & Technology

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

“Contribution towards building the nation with help of education inspires me”

I believe that the solution to all societal problems is through education only. To contribute towards change in a positive way, all we can do is educate more people, so that it uplifts society. The students should be able to give back in the form of dedicated service. This is what I believe in. Education is an interesting field.

What is your philosophy of leadership? 

“To propagate ideas that allow the expansion of the organization and its members”

My task is to devise mechanisms, put up systems in place, and then run those systems through the right people. So, I have to decide about the right person sitting out on every seat in my organization. To put that idea to the task with the help of my dedicated staff is important.

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Where do you get maximum students in your college from? 

“Being an accredited college, we receive talented students from cities like Lucknow and Bihar”

We get maximum students from Lucknow & Bihar. Our institute is the first accredited college in Lucknow and even IIT got accredited after us. In UP, there are around 900 colleges and out of that only 40-50 colleges are accredited. 

How has COVID-19 impacted your institute? 

“Financial difficulties and reduced number of admissions affected us deeply”

COVID-19 pandemic has affected our institution greatly. There have been so many job cuts. And I feel sorry for the government not looking on to this aspect for us. Basically, our cost of infrastructure like electricity bills and maintenance needed severe attention. We had to incur all running costs for the period of 8-9 months. But challenges are always there in life. So, this year, we did the same admissions that we did last year. So that was the most challenging aspect. 

During this critical time, how many seats were you able to fill this year?

“There is an increased interest in the domain of Computer Science hence those seats are almost occupied”

We were able to fill around 80% of seats this year. We are reducing our seats further to maintain the quality of students and students are also more interested in CSE & IT. The rest of the branches are not getting plenty of admissions.

What do you think should be your Institute's top priority over the next 10 years?

“Our top priority is to get maximum number of students and highest quality of academic delivery”

We want a better professional to pass out rather than someone with just an impressive marksheet. The application of concepts should be more important rather than just the basic sciences. Our priority is to build career experts who can change the face of this society.

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What are some of the biggest challenges that you see for higher education?

“Parental pressure to pursue only well known higher educational degrees must stop”

We have to educate our society first. The parents should not put parental pressure on the child and fulfill their aspirations. The child should be free at the initial stage to explore courses on his own and understand how it is going to help career wise. And ultimately the child should make his own decisions and develop his interest in that field.