Interview by Sakshi Aggarwal
Prof. Priya Angle is currently holding the position of an Associate Professor at IFIM Business School.
Previously, she has academic stints in reputed Business Schools such as Symbiosis, ICFAI Business School and International Institute of Information Technology (I2IT).
Prof. Priya’s experience in the education sector includes working as an Associate Professor at IFIM Business School, Professor & HOD School of Management at International Institute of Information Technology for three years, Manager-Treasury at Volkswagen India Pvt. Ltd. For two years, where she was responsible for setting up Treasury function at the manufacturing facility being built at Chakan. Apart from this, she has also worked as the Assistant Professor at ICFAI Business School for 5 years. For around 7 years, Prof. Priya had held the position of Manager- Treasury and was responsible for Treasury function at the company.
Prof. Priya’s has completed her education at ICFAI Business School, Pune PGDBA, Finance and Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India CFA, Finance.
Prof. Priya’s experience in the education industry
The education sector is going to play a crucial role in making India a global powerhouse. While my journey in this space so far has been enriching, I do believe that we will have to explore new methods and techniques in terms of teaching pedagogy, student interactions, and assessments. This would be necessary to make learning meaningful in a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous environment that we face today. Working in such a sector is thus going to be challenging and exciting.
Prof. Priya’s philosophy of leadership and her leadership style
Organizations that value all the stakeholders have better chances of succeeding. I believe in working towards a plan. Long-term goals are broken down into short-term goals and all team members are expected to be equal partners in achieving these. Participation of all team members in the discussions pertaining to goal setting is encouraged and milestones for each individual determined. This ensures collective responsibility and at the same time provides opportunities for individuals to achieve their aspirations. I would, therefore, term my leadership style as democratic.
Significant challenges faced by Prof. Priya at IFIM
A unique feature of IFIM is the continuous improvement philosophy the school follows. This implies that as a member of the IFIM family one always has to be alert, constantly improvise processes and innovate, in line with and in response to best practices in the corporate environment. Being a part of such a dynamic organization is strenuous at times, but eventually becomes a way of life.
Curriculum at IFIM Business School
IFIM has a very strong industry connect and the institute does leverage on this. Feedback from industry has enabled IFIM to develop a unique Be-spoke curriculum which enables students to customize their learning pathways.
For each course that is offered a minimum of two guest lectures are organized. Experts related to the domain share relevant contemporary issues with our students.
In- addition, every student has to earn 24 practice credits spread over industry internship projects (4.5 months), Social Immersion Projects and Research Incubation. These projects aim to provide students with exposure to the rigor of the corporate world, sensitize them to social issues, encouraging them to acquire a disciplined approach towards problem-solving and decision making.
The school has also set up Centers of Excellence in Analytics, Banking, and Entrepreneurship for fostering work in emerging areas, in these verticals, in partnership with industry.
Growth of students through placement opportunities available at IFIM
Placements are important for any Business School students. IFIM has developed a purposing, mentoring and career winning program with an objective of enabling its’ students to target their careers in a focused manner. A co-curricular program run by faculty and corporate mentors this program has encouraged many of our students to pursue their passions supported by knowledge and mentoring. The Center for Continuous Employability at IFIM has succeeded in building relationships with corporates of repute, to partner with IFIM for industry internships and placements. The impressive list of corporate connects is strengthening day by day as many of our alumni excel in their corporate careers.
Know about the placement opportunities available at IFIM Business School here.
Prof. Priya’s relationship with the students
Interactions with students, both at the formal and informal level are necessary to achieve our mission of nurturing holistic, socially responsible and continuously employable professionals. Each faculty at IFIM mentors groups of students across various initiatives- curricular, co-curricular and extracurricular. Student-initiated activities like intercollegiate fest NAMAN, CSR activities like Kanyathon, Shiksha Adhaar and SAFE all see the faculty and student community bond and share perspectives. As such, we have an open-door policy and any student is free to meet any faculty, HOD, Dean with issues he/she might face.
Read more about the faculty at IFIM Business School here.
Ideal school environment, according to Prof. Priya
An environment with lays less emphasis on learning by rote and encourages out of box thinking. A school that encourages and nurtures new ideas and ways of learning.
At IFIM the focus is to facilitate learning by self- discovery, and self-study. Students are exposed to a mix of classroom interactions, simulations, case studies, project work, and fieldwork.
The school has developed a Personality Enhancement Program (PEP) that focusses on developing healthy lifestyles and life skills that would enable all our students to achieve a balance between corporate and personal life.
Top qualities according to Prof. Priya that an aspiring PGDM/BBA/Law student must possess
There is no substitute for hard work. Students need to realize that shortcuts will hinder their long-term career aspirations. Technology is disrupting the work environment. While these disruptions will make obsolete many traditional ways of doing things it will also throw open many new opportunities. Ability to adapt and continuously learn are therefore necessary to succeed.
Goals in mind for IFIM Business School for the next few years
The institute is looking to build and strengthen its Centre of Excellence in Banking as a hub for specialized and innovative practices in the domain. The startup foundry at IFIM is also aiming to create an ecosystem for start-ups and entrepreneurs operating in Bengaluru.
IFIM is also looking at international accreditations like AACSB and EFMD to benchmark its activities to international standards.
Suggestions for the current youth and the aspiring students
Skills, Knowledge, and Expertise are going to be the key to success in the VUCA world. To achieve your dreams, develop knowledge, improve communication skills, learn new perspectives and build networks.