DR.M.RAHIMAL BEEVI. has done MCA., M.Phil., M.Ed., (NET., SET.,)and a Doctorate in computer science He introduces the students to various computer applications i.e. designing. Giving the information about software programming. Assigning projects to the students so they can handle the applications in a real-world context. Familiarizing students with the technical programs and inspiring them to be efficient in them. Delivering lectures on how to use computer programs. Utilizing the technical skills of students by providing them with the best practice programs.

Mohamed Sathak College Of Arts And Science

You have held key positions at education institutes throughout your professional career. What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

“Constant learning and having to upskill for the current trends”

Teaching and research are my passions. Since finishing my Ph.D., I’ve been associated with the education sector. As an educator, I don’t just teach students, I also have to keep upskilling and learn the current trends.

Being the Chairman or President or VC of XYZ College or University, what is your Philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?

Lead by example: “I like to lead by example. I lead from the front by taking action, demonstrating what needs to be done, and keeping my team organized to make sure we’re all on the same page and contributing equally.” Lead by facilitating communication: “Communication is one of my greatest strengths. I lead by facilitating open communication, and trying to bring out the best in every team member”. Lead by delegating and making others better: “I’m great at delegating and finding the strengths of other team members. I try to give each person a chance to do what they’re best at and create a team effort that delivers a result that’s greater than the sum of its parts”

Being the President/VC of XYZ College or University, how do you strategize about the key programs and plans for the marketing and administration of your school?

We prefer to identify goals and then prioritize them while assessing needs and required resources. Brainstorm and Refine Ideas to Build a Strategy. Implement a School Marketing Plan and lastly, we assess the success

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The education systems in India and other foreign countries are structured very differently. In your experience, what can an inbound student gain from studying here in your institute or university, or school?

India already has the world's largest higher education system with over 1000 universities and its presence in the global education arena will ensure that it reaches newer heights, making education in India one of the best things for its school-going children and its youth population whereas, 

The Disadvantages of Study Abroad are,

  • Language Barriers and Culture Shock.
  • You're On Your Own.
  • Studying Abroad Is Expensive.
  • Your Credits May Not Transfer.
  • Your Home Country Health Insurance May Not Cover You Abroad.

How does the curriculum of XYZ College or University ensure the best practice of industry?

  • Lecture Practices. Effective ways to present new information orally to include differences in learners.
  • Group Discussion Provocations.
  • Thoughtful Questions.
  • Reflective Responses to Learners. 
  • Rewarding Learner Participation. 
  • Active Learning. 
  • Cooperative Groups.
  • Goals to Grades Connections.

Any insights into how your university could be more welcoming to students of different races or economic backgrounds?

  1. Setting the tone. 
  2. Degrees of education. 
  3. Make diversity awareness activities a party. 
  4. Diversity Awareness Training & Teachable moments. 
  5. Promote diversity awareness with artistic exposure.

What do you think your roles and responsibilities to the University and the students are?

To be self-motivated and self-directed in the management of your learning. Be attentive and orderly in class and considerate in your behavior towards all other members of the teaching community. To pursue diligently such studies that are required of you by those assigned to teach you

What do you think should be the University’s top priority over the next 10 years?

  • To change a university, you need to change people’s incentives. To attract the best faculty, you need the best leader. Control quality through hiring panels. Hire the best
  • Know the talent list and congratulate people. No pain, no gain. Too much change, no gain. Pay a top salary if you want the right department head. Incentivize raising research money. Cut the red tape and reduce the number of committees. As a leader, be accessible and clarify the relationship between administrative and academic staff. Start to train scholars in management when they are young. Pick your board or council members because - and only because - they are good for the university, and then educate them. Let the leader pick his or her top team

When you first came to XYZ UNIVERSITY, what was your vision for the university? Has it evolved, and how far along in implementing that vision are you?

The university seeks to help students to develop an understanding and appreciation for the complex cultural and physical worlds in which they live and to realize their highest potential for intellectual, physical, and human development.

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What would you like people to know about your university they may not know? University is always open to exploring new things.

You’re thinking about going to university, and you’ve started researching university life. But once I found my feet, it was incredible. Every day you’ll learn something new (and not just in your lectures!). Up to two-thirds of your work will be done outside of lectures and seminars. Universities have sports teams and societies

What do you see as XYZ College’s greatest strengths? Open to learning new things and new experiences.

  • Teamwork
  • Global thinking
  •  Digital literacy
  •  Networking
  •  Leadership
  •  Professionalism
  •  Project management
  •  Work ethic
  • Verbal communication
  • Written communication
  • Time management

What are some of the biggest challenges you see, both for higher education in general and for XYZ University specifically?

Increasing need for life-long learning in a non-linear world. Evolving needs and expectations of the “student-consumer”. Emerging technologies and business models

Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring Students?


Don't lose hope, be as smart and patient as nothing stops you from what you wish to achieve.


You are luckier than you think, just believe in yourself and everything will come to you at the right time.


What are some plans that you’re currently (or will be) designing for XYZ College or University international affairs and/or students?

Improving new language skills; growing global networks of lifelong friendships through immersion in local communities; increasing self-confidence and awareness through independent travel;

How do you tend to establish a healthy relationship and environment in your institute/ university?

Build Positive Relationships Through Communication. Promote Class Discussion and Peer Interaction. Staying Connected with Students. Come Up with Projects Students Can Get Excited About. Create a Sense of Order and Routine. Positively Reinforce Good Behavior.