SKITM Indore

Dr. Mohammad Rizwan Khan is the Director of Shivajirao Kadam Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research, Indore. Having 18 years of teaching and industrial experience, he explains why education is the best industry to work in. He has completed his Ph.D. from D.A.V.V., Indore on the Topic Design, Synthesis, and Evaluation of Antifungal Drug. He holds M.Pharm from School of Pharmacy, R.G.P.V. Bhopal, and conducted his B.Pharm from S.G.S.I.T.S., Indore. He is presently Vice President of Pharmaceutical Society S.P.E.R. state council. Having explored different verticals of education throughout his career, he emphasizes a holistic approach to develop a better personality of the students. Thus, on a concluding note, he advises students to assess their capabilities as the competition is on a rise every day.

To build the personality of a student, a teacher has to play many roles like a mentor, counselor, and advisor 

I have been serving in the education industry for 15 years and according to me education doesn't only teach, rather builds the overall development of an individual by grooming its personality and character. The teacher can be rightly called a nation builder. Good teachers need to be themselves constantly seeking knowledge, be of good character, have high motivation, and be creative, innovative, and effective in the teaching strategies.

Also, the feel of being an educator who acts as a nation builder makes me proud to be part of this industry. Today in the period of globalization education industry has no limited boundaries as there are opportunities all across the world. Even the students can get an education from any part of the world through foreign exchange programs. 

I believe that each individual has unique working abilities and capabilities

The basic model that I follow in the organization is based on a feedback mechanism, which means there should be a participation of each employee for strategic planning and implementation of policies. I believe that each individual has unique working abilities and capabilities which can be utilized for growth of the institution. The student feedback mechanism is followed to improve the quality of teaching and practical facilities.

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We make sure to provide an environment where the emphasis is placed on the holistic development of the students 

Shivajirao Kadam Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research is one of the most reputed organizations in the whole central region and the biggest challenge is to maintain the reputation of the institute. In SKIPER all-round development of the student is a priority and so not only academic excellence is achieved but also the students give the best performance in extracurricular activities. As a Director, I have to maintain the decorum of the institute by providing the best facilities and environment for students. With academic excellence, I have to motivate the faculty and students for performing research activities also i.e. Sanctioning good research projects, paper presentations, poster presentations, and paper publications.

We keep a pragmatic approach towards learning so that students are aligned with the industry ideas 

Shivajirao Kadam Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research is affiliated to R.G.P.V. Bhopal and so the university course curriculum is followed. Apart from university curriculum, other regular academic activities such as workshops, practical demonstrations, industrial visits, industrial training, skill up programs, guest lectures have been conducted to make the students acquainted with the latest techniques implemented in industry. 

Today's world is a computer world which is governed by technology-oriented education

The education industry has changed a lot today; all the materials are available online for students in the form of lectures. The students can also go through video lectures for the practical implementation of the theoretical phenomena. This situation is mainly handled by teachers by updating their knowledge and using the right tools for getting current updates. Regular FDP conduction is also implemented to improve the quality of teaching and using the latest technological teaching aids to make the lectures effective and interesting. The most important skill required in a student by the corporate is communication skills, computer efficiency, situation handling, presence of mind, and basic subject knowledge.

The institute develops the students in all domains to make the competition and achieve success 

Shivajirao Kadam Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research is already having a provision for giving all the facilities to students from different races and students with different economic backgrounds. Institute also gives various scholarships for merit students and also there is a provision of scholarship from the government of Madhya Pradesh for different category students who are from economically weaker sections.

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I am always available for every student during and after the college schedule

Students are the backbone of the institution and their overall development is the top priority for the organization. As a Director of SKIPPER, I keep interactive sessions with the students daily. I have already said that I follow the feedback system in the Institute and so every student can give his/ her feedback directly or through the feedback box facility available. I motivate students to participate in every social and academic activity conducted by the institution. This is my responsibility to send the students for intercollegiate competitions and motivate them to give their best. 

Students should assess their capabilities as the competition is on a rise every day

Today’s world is highly competitive and one should always remember the basic laws given by Darwin, i.e, “Struggle for Existence" & "Survival of the Fittest". This is the real truth so always prepared for the struggle and has patience you will achieve all you desire. I follow only one philosophy that is“Punctuality is a Passport of Success”