Education in 2020 needs redefinition and a redesigned pedagogy; gone are the days of rote-learning and minimal industrial exposure. Today, successful management students are identified by their all-rounded experiences at the college, and India has recognized the Lexicon Management Institute of Leadership and Excellence as one of the leading institute offering this new-age education.

With two full-time AICTE courses of PGDM and PGCM, the Lexicon Management Institute has now launched a two-year full-time Global MBA Program in partnership with the University of South Wales, UK. This program is certified by the Research Excellence Framework and Quality Assurance Agency, a one-of-its-kind program, where students will attend their final year classes at the University of South Wales. The curriculum has been designed to target a mastering of the updated Industry 4.0 syllabus and is delivered by globally renowned expert faculty. The targeted goal of this program is to provide an international learning and working experience so that they are equipped to seek internship and work offers at multinational companies, based out of the USA, the UK, the European Union and even South East Asia.

Lexicon MILE - Management Institute of Leadership and Excellence

Pankaj Sharma, President, The Lexicon Group of Institutes leads his team with a clear philosophy of growth and education. “Education is not just a sum-calculation of marks and grades; it is a culmination of values, perseverance, hard work, real-life work experience, and above all, a sense of responsibility towards the community. The Lexicon Management Institute offers a plethora of platforms for students to go beyond their comfort zones and graduate as refined and polished adults ready to join the commercial world”, says Pankaj Sharma.

The flagship PGDM course offered by Lexicon Management Institute offers a unique association with the Ministry of Forests. All the PGDM students explore, understand and live a rural life in the villages of Maharashtra for two weeks; this exclusive opportunity is aimed at making them socially and environmentally sensitive. This research project allows students to gain a broader perspective of rural India, and eventually to make them proficient at making ethical decisions favoring the interests of the larger community of India.

Dr. Neeraj Sharma, Vice President, The Lexicon Group of Institutes and Executive Director, Lexicon Management Institute of Leadership & Excellence, emphasizes on what makes a student successful, “Self- belief, unadulterated passion for work, an indefatigable work-ethic, and an unwavering dedication towards achieving excellence; these are the traits you must possess to be victorious in life. I want my students to be empowered, aware, and equipped to make a difference in the world. They will all get good jobs; but, I know they will all make a mark in the world as virtuous leaders and noteworthy citizens.

The Institute has recently won the Forbes Award for ‘Leaders in Education’ and was also the recipient of the AsiaOne Award for the World’s Greatest Brand. In addition to being acclaimed globally and nationally, Lexicon Management Institute has gone beyond the conventions and is now associated with Dr. Bhatkar’s Avishkar Lab, promoting STEM-based MBAs and adding a culture of innovation in the Institute; this feature enables students to develop their own patents, copyrights and trademarks, encouraging scientific thought, critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

With a state-of-the-art studio-finish air-conditioned infrastructure and a campus with a digitized academic delivery, the Lexicon Management Institute of Leadership and Excellence is a premier institute for management studies. Supported by faculty practicing the philosophy of ‘One Student A Time’, Lexicon nurtures students with novel skills, innovative education, global perspectives, and a pathway for success in life.