Prof. Jhumur Lodh is currently serving as the Director of Scholar's Institute of Technology and Management. She has completed her B.Ed, MSc, MBA, and M.Phil in Biotechnology. She has massive experience of 17 years in the educational administration and teaching sector.

Scholar's Institute of Technology and Management

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

“The dynamic growth that occurs in education industry fascinates me beyond words”

I have always been inclined towards the education sector because of my academic journey. But to be precise I think its dynamic nature fascinates me. The sudden development of the digital platform in acquiring knowledge is a very exciting concept. Information is available to everyone at one single click. And getting knowledge with this much ease always empowers & strengthens us.

Being the Director of the University, what is your philosophy of leadership? 

“A collaborative effort of the entire team is what i strive to achieve”

I believe in teamwork. I consider SITM as my family. And I usually don’t consider myself as a leader. I think I am the head of the family and I try to take along everyone in this family. So that everyone must feel valued and part of every decision making.

How does the curriculum of your University ensure the best practice of the industry?

“An effort to make our system more practical-based to keep our students up to date”

We have affiliation with AICTE, and Assam Science and Technology University. We are highly committed to make our students placement and industry-ready. And that’s why we arrange industry tours for every student of our institute. We make sure that all our students get the best opportunities in the job market & placement in the best companies.

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What do you think your roles and responsibilities to the University and the students are?

“To be aligned to the mission & vision of the university so as to contribute my best to the system”

As an educational institution, our responsibility is to provide the best within the formulated guidelines to students. We try to improve the system for the students. It may be in terms of curriculum, extracurricular activities, and career guidance. We conduct workshops, seminars & symposiums so that they can have all-round development over the 4 years of stay on the campus. Also, the other side of my responsibility is to implement the university’s policy smoothly and maintain peace in the functioning.

What has been your vision for this institute and how has it changed over time?

To make SITM a global brand & updating the curriculum according to industry trends”

I have been associated with this organization since its inception. We started with 100 students in the first batch, where 59 students got placed. We are still growing & aim to achieve even more. Recently, we collaborated with a few foreign universities & allowed student exchange programs too. Also, we are trying to make our curriculum more relevant and that’s why we are adding new courses like AI, Data Science to our main curriculum. 

What would you like people to know about your university they may not know?

“We focus on academic as well as overall social growth of a student”

We try to create a “Home away from home” kind of environment in the university. So that they can feel comfortable here and focus completely on their learning and career aspirations. Apart from this, we also support the recreational hobbies of our students. Additionally, we arrange the industrial tours for students, along with one on one interactions with famous delegates from academics & job industries.

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Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

“Patience and sheer focus are the two important keys to success”

I would like to tell the students to be patient in their academic journey, do not rush to get everything. Also, focus on the learning part because that is the key that will take you to the heights of your career.