A devoted counsellor and a spiritual healer, Dr. Sister Pearl is currently working as the Principal at Sophia Girls College, Ajmer. With around 32 MOU’s and collaborations with various National and International Institutions, she is a profound member of several national education organizations and government associations. Along with conducting and attending a number of seminars/workshops/conferences, Dr. Pearl has many achievement and appreciation awards to her credit as well. 

Sophia Girls College

How would you describe your leadership style?

“Democratic, inclusive and visionary”

I believe in working with consensus, ensuring inputs from each of the team members. An organization can achieve its maximum potential only when it is inclusive in its approach. I would describe my leadership style as a mix of democratic and visionary, as I have deep faith in the ideology “I Am Because We Are.” 

What according to you should be the top priority of your college for next 5 years?

“Enhanced curriculum with entrepreneurship and better programs”

Our foremost priority, which is also in concurrence with the New Education Policy 2020, is to increase the employability and skill enhancement quotient in our curriculum so as to augment our students’ capabilities to fulfil the demands of the job market. At the same time we are also working hard to encourage students to take up Entrepreneurship. Our Entrepreneurs Club assists students who wish to take up entrepreneurship and today many of our students are successfully managing their own start-ups and small businesses. We are also planning to introduce the Integrated Teacher Education Program for students aspiring to be teachers.

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What can an inbound student gain from studying here in Sophia Girls’ College?

“Ethical development and overall growth”

We believe in holistic development and value based education, where a student here is not only provided with quality classroom education but it is also ensured that she gets enough opportunity to develop in various creative fields as well. There are various clubs and forums from Placement Cell to Entrepreneurs Club, from Quizzers Club to Music Club; there is room for everyone. Our distinctiveness is also the emphasis we give on preserving human values and joy of giving. In this extremely competitive environment a student here learns to grow but not at the cost of others, learns to fly but not by pushing others to the ground. We offer personal counselling services by professional counsellor to help students deal with stress-ridden modern lifestyle and situations. 

How do you establish a healthy environment in the College?

“Imparting motivation and positive spirit”

Sophia is known for its ‘Positive Vibes and Family Spirit’ and a healthy and congenial work environment. We organize Orientation Sessions, Problem-solving Sessions, Life Skill Sessions, and Motivational Lectures to help resolve conflict at its budding stages and strengthen inter-personal as well as professional relationships. All these not only help in giving more autonomy and freedom to work, but also refrain any kind of friction or negativity. 

What are the greatest strengths of Sophia Girls’ College?

“Quality developmental practices and skilled professors”

Sophia Girls College has already made a mark in providing quality education to its students in the last sixty years of its existence and has gone a long way in instilling good values and humanitarian traits in them. We strive to provide holistic education to our students. We endure Job Oriented and Skill Development Courses incorporated into the curriculum, along with Internship and Outreach Activities to help students acquire key job-skills needed in the real world. Also, we have a well qualified, experienced and dedicated Faculty, safe and aesthetic campus and a strong, excellent Alumni Network. 

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How does the curriculum of your college ensure the best practice of industry?

“Defining latest parameters and skill enhancement programs”

It has always been our main concern to incorporate a curriculum that is not only dynamic in content but also more suited to the developing times. Our present Curriculum gives due importance to the three top parameters of employability, skill enhancement and entrepreneurship. We have also inculcated Choice Based Credit System that makes the curriculum in line with the latest demands of the industry. We have been successful in providing them with internship opportunities, conducted various workshops on soft skills and personality development and organized numerous inter-disciplinary conferences, seminars and webinars.

Any suggestions you would like to give to the aspiring students?

“Be ethically strong and know your creativity”

Always keep your faith in God highest, he has a great plan for each one of you. Never compare journeys with others, be emotionally strong to face the challenges. Give due importance to your morals and ethics. Start with your creative approaches for different fields and know your value.