Dr. Ujwala Chakradeo is the Principal at Manoramabai Mundle College of Architecture. She is an architect and urban planner. Having a rich experience in the field of architecture, she brings a multi-dimensional explorative approach at her institution. She believes a creative mind is necessary for an architect to prosper. Read here what she has to say in her interview.
What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?
“My passion and penchant to educate the students keeps me connected to the education sector”
I have been in education for a long time, first as a student and then as a teacher and administrator. I realized long ago that I have a deep passion for this field. I love to be involved with students and firmly believe that education is the best tool to bring about social change, the ‘change’ which is very much needed for Indian society. There is a need to change the education system radically. The possibility of this change is within foresight with the approval of the National Education Policy 2020 by the Central Government. The Policy has the potential to not only overcome the existing drawbacks of the education system but also can bring about a radical change in the Indian society, which is very much needed for the better future of our country.
What is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?
“Architecture is a creative field with a plethora of possibilities”
Creativity is the soul of architecture and architecture education. As a leader, I have to see to it that appropriate physical, emotional, and intellectual environment is provided to every associate of my college, be it a student or a teacher, to display her creative ability and hone it. Therefore flexibility is required in the curriculum, in teaching, and the teaching spaces. I am fostering flexibility to ensure that every individual has the appropriate space for expansion.
“Curriculum of architecture is framed as per minimum standards of architecture education given by Council of Architecture, and R.T.M.Nagpur University. However, college has lots of scope to mould it to its vision and mission. College has always adopted the policy of student centred learning”
In your experience, what can an inbound student gain from studying here in your institute?
“SMMCA has always strived to go way beyond the prescribed curriculum”Hands on experience”
is always extended to students because we believe in ‘learning by doing’.
- Construction yard activity is the annual feature of the college. Students of all the years have to participate in construction yard activity.
- Construction field experts such as masons, tile layers, brick layers, gavandi, bar benders etc. are invited to the college to demonstrate their way of working and to interact with students.
- Seventh semester students participate in hands on workshops outside college campus to different places in India,
Learning beyond Classrooms
- Site visits- are organized from time to time by the college especially for construction subjects because we believe that seeing is learning.
Collaborative Learning
Architect has to work in a team. Team spirit and respect for team members is necessary to be inculcated in the students. They have to understand that others' opinions are also important. Therefore many activities are organized in groups.
Respect for heritage
Respect for heritage is an essential value for architects. College has a documentation cell which also works as a nodal center for the Nagpur Municipal Corporation’s Heritage Conservation Committee. This cell works for documenting the heritage structures of Nagpur.
Research ability
College takes onus of inculcating research aptitude amongst the students of architecture.
- Mimansa research and publication cell of the college has documented many structures and has done publications. Annual newsletter- milestone, student’s magazine-her space, three books, is some of the important publications of Mimansa.
- Ph.D. center: College has Ph.D. center approved by R.T.M.Nagpur University and Council of Architecture. Center has the capacity of 20 scholars. Renowned experts and researchers from the field of Architecture are associated with this center in the capacity of supervisors, advisors and consultants.
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How does the curriculum of Smt Manoramabai Mundle College of Architecture ensure the best practice of industry?
- Academy- Industry interaction.
- One year of training of students in an architectural firm is a part of curriculum 8th, and 9th-semester students undertake practical training in registered architectural firms in India and sometimes outside India. Training and placement cell of the college assists in identifying the fire, facilitating the collaboration with these firms, and ensuring student learning at the place of training as per college strategy.
- SMMCA has collaborated with various professional bodies such as IIA (Indian Institute of Architects), ITPI ( Indian Institute of Town Planners), ICCS ( International Center for Cultural Studies), COA ( Council of Architecture) and many others.
- Practicing architects are invited to the college at various occasions and for additional practical input in theory classes
- Sensitizing students towards social issues.
Architecture is a social art, and the architect has to be sensitive toward society. There are many activities which the college has been conducting since its inception to sensitize students towards social concerns.
- Students take up any abundant space of Nagpur and design the landscape of that place to make it beautiful and usable for citizens.
- Design projects of the studio are decided by taking into account the real social issues which need to be resolved. Such as water conservation, community centers for slum areas, women centric issues, old age home, environmental and sustainable issues, etc.
- One of the sessions of ‘Archiventure’ annual fest of students is always for the deprived sector of the society. They invite people from old age homes, children from blind schools and children from orphanages and spend time with them.
- Gosikhurd irrigation project is one of the largest dams of India. 135 villages will be submerged in the dam premises. Rehabilitation issues and redesigning of new villages was done by students in consultation with irrigation department. Villagers participated in decision making process.