Adamas University

Mr. Deependra Kumar Jha is an astute professional with years of experience in research, teaching, administration and industry. Reflecting upon his leadership style and work-ethics that he follows, he combines them to produce an effective functioning of the institution. Read here to know more about him in the interview. 

What is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style? 

“Leadership is more about exploring ideas and implementing the best one with the best resources” 

I believe in leading through example. Leadership is no more a one-way street - every individual in the professional field is avid and keen and aware. I think it’s about the ability to inspire your team. I believe in communication; not orders, mind you - I believe in transparency and critical analysis and constructive criticism. It’s about a two-way conversation and understanding. One has to have a more nuanced understanding of the broader complexities within and beyond just the system of the university; the world is closing in faster than we can imagine. Empowering the right person works wonders. I believe in an open-mind - flexibility, a firm foot and a road less travelled. More than anything, however, to me, leadership is about acceptance - failures, shortcomings and learning. It’s about being able to build trust, and it’s about being the safety net; a reliable pillar in times of adversity, a voice of reason, a celebratory clap in times of success.

What can an inbound student gain from studying here in Adamas University?

“We focus on the holistic development of the students” 

Adamas University follows an Outcome-based Education System, where our curriculum, pedagogy, and assessment are articulated, based on specific outcomes. A student becomes a part of interdisciplinary project-based learning, which is unique. A bouquet of many futuristic undergraduate specialised programs like AI-ML, Cyber Forensics, Blockchain technology etc. have been introduced. We have also introduced a wide range of ‘Minors’ – microbiology to music – an opportunity to sharpen the skills which matter the most to you. And you never know – passion can turn into a profession. 

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How does the curriculum of Adamas University ensure the best practices of industry? 

“We continuously upgrade our curriculum through a best-in-class benchmarking”

We have a quality assurance process for all the academic programs to meet a recognised set of service and operational standards. The quality assurance cell undertakes periodic review and audit of all program offerings and suggests addition or alteration as per the needs of the industry. At Adamas, industry outreach is a normal process, and the feedback gathered therein is used to identify the trends and best practices. We always keep an eye on the industry of the future, not past while framing our program structure and content.

“Our campus houses students and faculties from different countries and has signed collaborative agreements with over 50 internal universities across 16 countries in Asia, Europe, North and South America. We have regular student exchange programs. There are scholarships for students with economically weaker backgrounds.”

What do you think should be the University’s top priority over the next 10 years? 

“Visionary academic plans are in progress that would lead to innovation and holistic student experience”

Academic excellence and student experience are our top priorities. We are presently undergoing organisational restructuring to create a decentralised structure efficiently and empower the faculty, staff and administration to act as entrepreneurs and innovators in the education space for the benefit of AU students and other stakeholders. We want to improve both the quantity and the quality of research by faculty - bringing in better research culture. An Internal Quality Assurance Framework (IAAF) has been developed for benchmarking and continuous improvement. Adamas would also like to reach out to the community in general and bring about a sustainable improvement to lives. Adamas will be one of the most sought-after universities in the next few years.

What are some of the biggest challenges for education in general and for Adamas University specifically?

“It is essential to bring innovation and promote long term prevailing ideas to excel” 

Indian higher education system is the third-largest in the world, next to the United States and China. The biggest challenge is maintaining quality standards among various types of institutions. Innovation and disruption are still an alien concept. The system isn’t equipped for the future. Shortage of qualified and trained faculty and the inability of our education system to attract and retain well-qualified teachers is a hindrance in providing quality education. As far as research and innovation is concerned, there is not enough incentive - we don’t push for making our students interested. Besides, there are insufficient resources and facilities.

We are a young university, which is an advantage. We can afford to experimentation – content, pedagogy and assessment. We are zealous and driven and we’re a pivotal period in time. I’m sure that with a student-centric and innovation-led approach, Adamas University is bound to be a force to be reckoned with in the coming days.

“ Despite the pandemic and lockdowns this year, we have been able to achieve an overall 93% placement of eligible students, which will only get better with time. In addition to this, we could send 100% of our students on internship. Our students have been placed in core IT, core Engineering, pharma and life sciences, and many other prominent fields” 

With the competition so high, how do you guide your students to survive in such a competitive scenario?

“We make sure to equip our students with values and insightfulness” 

We’re not our rivals anymore - there’s a whole array of machines built to be inhumanely efficient. I don’t think education can make you a master of all trades - but we offer education plus (#educationPlus) at Adamas University to teach you how to learn. We tend to stay ahead of the curve by introducing industry-endorsed content, innovative pedagogy and progressive assessment approach. The world is ruthless, and there’s no way around it - so we teach people how to be adaptable. The Product Development and Innovation Department continuously strive to bring innovative practices in both academic and allied areas. Our teaching pedagogy are the key drivers to make sure that Adamas graduates have a competitive edge.

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