Prof.Dr.Satyendra Patnaik is the Head of Corporate Resource Centre, Director (Outcome) and Head of the Amity Innovation Incubator, at Amity University Chhattisgarh. He is a self-motivated, enthusiastic and dedicated individual with a background in management, research and entrepreneurship. He tries to uniquely position his stakeholders to provide industry and investor connections, dedicated business, technical and sales mentoring to aspiring entrepreneurs and startups. 

Amity University Chhattisgarh

What are your roles and responsibilities towards the students?

“Develop entrepreneurial programs for interested students”

  • Provide career opportunities to students, including but not limited to career goals, requirements of specific occupations, job market trends, etc. Also provide materials, workshops and training sessions for making students job ready.
  • To liaise with companies regarding Placement, Internships, Workshops.
  • Contact potential employers by telephone, written correspondence, and visits to promote the programs of the college to identify and develop career positions related to academic/vocational preparation.
  • Supervise the receiving of job orders from employers and maintain records of students placed in jobs.

How do you try to bring in a practical approach towards subjects?

“Offering tailor-made courses and engaging with industry”

Theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge both are equally important. It is necessary to understand both the ends of the spectrum. It takes hours to acquire the art of practical techniques. The industry provides inputs to colleges to frame curriculum to suit their needs. These courses not only make students understand how the industry works but also help organisations train students. In response to industry demand, a number of subjects have been introduced. This approach helps students to become corporate ready.

How do you strategize the curriculum and how often it gets updated?

“Introduce special courses and training programs in accordance with industry needs”

The curriculum is the core of learning establishments. With a large number of students being trained every year, the curriculum should be dynamic in nature. Change is the only way one can adapt and improve these set standards. The aim is to form newer heights to scale for students as they prepare for future careers. As a Head of Placements, I introduce special courses and training programs as per the requirement of the industry. There is no specific time frame for the update, we do it as per the requirements of the industry.

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Do you have any programs to enhance the skills of the students?

“Student-centric activities to enhance skills with innovative techniques”

The following events are regularly organized to enhance the skills of the students:

  • Hackathons
  • Coding Challenges
  • Enhancing interview and GD skills by training from industry experts
  • Workshops on the latest technologies and Sales and Marketing.

What do you see as the student training program’s greatest strengths?

“Students are trained to be job-ready before they graduate, increasing their prospects for employment”

Student internships and training during a semester break can greatly prepare students for a career as a professional. From the hands-on training, the student learns about the skill sets required, demands of the industry and also work ethics. At the same time, it gives the student an opportunity to put into practice what he or she has learned at university.

While the student will have much to gain from industrial placement, the same is also true for organisations. These programs can be of mutual benefit for employers because they may benefit from the quality of support, fresh ideas and energy.

Moreover, participating in internship programs allows the staff of an organisation to develop leadership and mentoring skills.

Do you face any challenges in uplifting the quality of training and getting students placed in reputed companies?

"Improving learning effectiveness by providing consistent training”

There are some challenges:

  • Dealing with the change.
  • Delivering Consistent Training
  • Improving Learning Effectiveness.
  • Choices of students regarding Job type, Job Location etc.
  • Less participation in campus drives.
  • Performance in Interview.

How does your college enhance the skill of the faculty?

“The enrollment in various skills enhancement programs offered by the government or authorized sectors”

  • Participation in various Faculty Development Programs.
  • Participation in different research activities.
  • The publication of papers in journals.
  • Enrollment in various skills enhancement programs offered by Govt/other authorized Sectors.

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What would be your valuable advice to the students for a prosperous career ahead?

“Maintaining current knowledge of technology and industry trends can be an advantage” 

  • Don't procrastinate - One common misconception is that your professional experience starts after college. This incorrect student career advice can and will cost future opportunities. Start looking for opportunities before you graduate
  • Expand Your Knowledge - The key is expansion. Expand your skills and knowledge. Companies look for team members with the ability to work in diverse settings. 
  • Stay Up-to-Date - Staying current on technology and industry trends gives you an advantage over other applicants. Most students are more up-to-date with technology than seasoned professionals, giving them the upper hand.
  • Internships - Internships are the lifeblood of college experience. Just be careful to select the right internship to help work towards your entry-level career. Academic advisors recommend forgoing those large, competitive internships during your first two years in college. Instead, put more energy into local, small business internships.