9th July 2018, Hyderabad: School of Science (SoS), GITAM Deemed to be University, Hyderabad is going to organize a three-day National Symposium on ‘Materials in Healthcare’ at its campus from September 6-8, 2018. GITAM Hyderabad Pro Vice-Chancellor Prof. N.Siva Prasad informed about this in a Press Release on July 7th, 2018. Society for Material Chemists (SMC), Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Mumbai is co-organizing this symposium, which is a scientific body primarily working towards the promotion of material chemistry among academia.
This symposium aims at bringing together all the researchers on a common platform, working on the advancement of materials in healthcare both from industry and academia to deliberate ideas and share knowledge. The scope of this symposium is Organic/Medicinal/Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Biopolymers, Enzymes/catalysis, Bio-Sensors, Anti-cancer drugs, Natural Products, Nano drug delivery systems and Nutraceuticals etc.
Researchers active in the areas fitting into the scope of the symposium are invited to submit their contributions as poster presentations.