Hyderabad, February 01, 2019: Ms. Smita Chormunge and Ms. V. Deepika, Research Scholars, Dept of Computer Science and Engineering under the guidance of Dr. Sudarson Jena, Associate Professor, Institute of Information Technology, Sambalpur University, Odisha and Prof. S. Phani Kumar, Professor & Head of the Department, have been awarded Ph.D. from GITAM, Hyderabad. The degrees will be given at the X Convocation to be held in GITAM Deemed to be University, Hyderabad Campus.

The names of their Ph.D. thesis were, “Feature subset selection for High Dimensional Data based on clustering and Filter Measures” and “An Efficient Reconfigurable Virtual Multicast Backbone for Quick Link Failure Recovery in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks”.

Smita’s thesis was supervised by Dr. Sudarson Jena and evaluated by Prof. V. Kamakshi Prasad, JNTU, Hyderabad. Deepika Vodnala’s thesis was supervised by Dr. S. Phani Kumar and evaluated by Prof. S.Vasundra, JNTU Anantapuram.
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Prof. N. Siva Prasad, Pro Vice-Chancellor, GITAM, Hyderabad, Prof. Ch.Sanjay, Principal, School of Technology, DVVSR Varma, Resident Director, Heads of various engineering departments and faculty appreciated them on their achievement.