Dr Srikanth Parthasarathy is the Program Head at Rajalakshmi School of Business Chennai, Tamil Nadu. He is a passionate teacher with a Ph.D. working as an Associate Professor in the area of Finance. He has 19 years of experience in industry, finance, academics and research. His research interests include market efficiency, financial markets, behavioural finance and corporate finance. He has presented and published research papers at the national and international levels. He has engaged in developing academic processes, course curriculum, student mentoring, nurturing student initiatives and academic administration. He conducts training programs for managers and executives of several organizations including BHEL, TAPE, Ashok Leyland, Sundaram Clayton etc.
What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?
“Innovative pedagogies and ability to learn from the newer advances in the field”
I have a great passion for teaching and that is the foremost reason that keeps me connected. This career has three facets namely, teaching, research and academic administration. These factors are very challenging and always keep me going. Also, when you teach young minds, you become innovative and always look for creative ways of teaching.
What is your philosophy of leadership?
“A visionary, collaborative and coaching style that encourages leadership at all levels”
My style includes the policies of ‘people first.’ Once that is taken care of everything falls into place. I believe that a good leader motivates and empowers people. Such a transformed individual, with help of empowering leadership, certainly exceeds expectations.
How does the curriculum of your college ensure the best practice of industry?
“Various opportunities for students to nurture their skills with the recent technologies”
RSB offers a rich curriculum of PGDM in the management course. It stands at par with the top-ranked Indian Institutes of Management (IIM), in terms of the breadth of its offerings and the pedagogy used. It consists of blended learning and an up to date curriculum of core and soft-skills courses. This will ensure that our students are industry-ready from the day they graduate from RSB. A unique case in point is that we have also introduced AI and Analytics as part of our curriculum five years ago.
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What has been your vision for the growth of the College?
“Creating a plethora of ‘beyond the curriculum’ activities for promoting knowledge and right skills”
My vision for RSB is to become one of the top 10 management institutions in India. We aim to promote the best management education, thereby producing leaders aligning with global needs. We are on the path to achieving the same with our international curriculum, industry connect and constant innovation.
What would you like people to know about your College they may not know?
“Our blended curriculum and International academic collaborations”
We have an academic partnership with top-notch and prestigious Swinburne University, Australia. In our MBA (international) program, the students spend their first year in our college and the second year with Swinburne University, Australia. This allows them to gain a global perspective of the industry and learn from international experts. The institution explores ever-expanding frontiers of knowledge beyond the curriculum to capture the latest emerging trends in new technology
What are some of the biggest challenges for higher education?
“The current scenario of digital education demands a higher level of planning and infrastructure”
Hybrid education is one of the biggest challenges faced by both the education sector and by RSB. One of the main potential challenges of hybrid learning revolves around the concept of student engagement. In particular, it can be a challenge to keep both the students who are physically present in the classroom and the students who are learning remotely as engaging as each other.
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How do you tend to establish a healthy environment in your institution?
“Regular interaction with students and faculty members are a must”
I would like to create a friendly atmosphere built on mutual trust and confidence. We believe in sharing responsibilities, fulfilling duties and working together as a team. We practice dissolving differences and strive towards the welfare of the society.