Education is an industry that is growing rapidly with new-age technology. As we enter the new age era of digital transformation, the industry has shown prosperous results to bring in the required advancements. Walking the path on the similar lines, in an interview with Skill Tree Education Evangelist of India, educationist Mr. Tarundeep Singh Anand shares his views on his journey in the education system.

The eminent educator, who is known for his contributions in the education sector, was hosted by none other than Mr. Chetan Bhagat. Mr. Tarundeep initiated the conversation when asked about his love for sports. He expressed his deep penchant for sport and how it teaches us various life lessons. One such being when you lose, you never quit playing the sport; rather you learn to get up and strive for excellence. He further quotes, “A winner never quits, and a quitter never wins."Life will bring a lot of adversities throughout, but it is important to enjoy each moment and keep moving forward.

He goes on to describe how he started his professional career as a door-to-door salesman at an early age. He went on to pursue his MBA from S.P Jain Institute of Management and research and joined as a banker in Standard Chartered bank. He then made a switch to Reuters and witnessed a series of promotions. He was made a global CEO at the age of 32. He, along with his colleagues set up the world’s first FX exchange and received $90,000,000 funding for the same. He further explains his relationship with education. Giving a vivid picture of the same, he shares that both his parents were avid professors and have worked in the education industry for three decades. Coming on to the aspect of getting in education, it was a purpose to give back to society. In his words, “I wanted to teach the young professionals about the corporate journey as I have been a part of it for a long time. ”  

There were four major loopholes while coming up with the new innovative ideas

About his modern ventures in developing India’s first Green B-School, he shares, “there were four major loopholes while coming up with the new innovative ideas.”Firstly, there wasn’t enough focus on experiential learning. It is not possible to ride a bicycle by reading a book. Management Science is no different; it is learning by doing. Thus, the institution ensured there is experiential learning in their programs. Secondly, the aspect of global education for which the institute partnered with universities in the UK, France, Switzerland, Italy, and many other prominent nations. Therefore, the degrees are globally accredited which gives a cutting edge to the students. The other criteria of concern was the faculty lacking exposure to leadership positions. Thus, they went on to build a robust faculty structure consisting of global faculty leaders, CEOs as guest lecturers and faculty, which makes the classroom alive. Finally, it was important in a large residential campus to transform the students, interactions with them on a regular basis is pivotal. Thus, the sole part is all about following the 3Es, i.e Ethics, Environment, and Experiential Learning. The institute is one of the very few which offers courses on Green Finance, Green Marketing, Green HR, and many other important management subjects to create sustainability. He proudly shares the achievement during the placements and mentions the companies visiting the campus. He mentions the feast achieved by the student to bag a placement offer of Rs. 1crore.

It is crucial to connect the dots 

Mr. Bhagat then asks him to elaborate more on the experiential learning and how the institution brings it into picture. To answer, Mr. Tarundeep says, “We believe it is crucial to connect the dots. Anything happening anywhere in the world will impact business, and how do you react to it.” He further explains that the institution came up with the innovative idea of setting up a company in the campus. Thus, giving a cutting edge to the students while they pursue their education. He further mentions that the institute looks for all-rounders. They have a criteria where they look for extracurricular, academics, leadership, communication, work experience in many such deciding factors. In the later segment of the interview he advises  students to take care of their physical and mental well being. This will help them reach the impossible. Therefore, dream big, be a big risk taker, and enjoy the opportunity you have. 

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