Preethi Amol Nikam has been working as an Assistant Professor at Ashokrao Mane Group of Institute, Faculty Of Engineering & Management Studies, Kolhapur, Maharashtra. She has done B. Sc. Ed and M. Sc. as part of her academics and has also qualified eminent exams like IIT-JAM, CTET and SET. Also, she has 2 years of teaching experience and she taught subjects like Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. Her area of expertise is Semiconductor Thin Films and she has attended multiple workshops during her professional journey. And she has received Award of MHRD Central Scholarship for excellence in education, Best Teacher Award, Best Oral Presentation Award in the 4th National Conference On Condensed Matter Physics in Manipal, was selected as top 50 finalist of India in Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education and has secured first position in Poem Writing and Essay Writing competition in RIEM, 10th rank at national level in Talent Search Exam. She is also the Student Council Member of the College (UG -RIEM), Student’s Convener of Magazine Committee (RIEM-2014), Editor of the College Magazine and Venture (RIEM-2014), Organizer of Cultural Events (RIEM -2014) and Cultural Fest Coordinator(RIEM-2014).

Ashokrao Mane Group Of Institute, Faculty Of Engineering & Management Studies

How is your college more welcoming to students of different races or economic backgrounds?

"We offer scholarships and fee waivers to bright and needy students and accept them from all sections of society"

Our college believes in the philosophy that education should be available to all and accessible by all. And college was established keeping in mind the same fact and financial status of the rural population. Hence students of all regions study in our college in harmony with each other and we never discriminate between them based on their color, caste, gender or religion and provide equal learning and growth opportunities to them. Lastly, fee concessions and scholarships are offered to students who are financially less stable and who perform well in academics and exams. 

What are your roles and responsibilities for the University and students?

"I am responsible to utilize my skills in the best possible way for institute and students growth"

Being an Assistant Professor, I always believe that my prime responsibility is to fulfill the present academic needs of students and future requirements of our college as we cannot stay at one place just like stagnant water, we have to adapt quickly with changing time and technologies to stay in sync with the outside competitive world. In addition to this, imparting the best quality education to students and encouraging them to think out of the box and innovate solutions for real world issues also comes under the scope of my responsibilities. Because when my students flourish and come out with flying colors, that will automatically strengthen the motto of our institute.

What do you think should be the college’s top priority over the next 10 years?

"Investing more on research projects would be our goal in upcoming time"

We are presently working on multidisciplinary projects related to social problems in society. And in the upcoming time our focus would be to invest more on innovative projects and ideas. Because we believe when students will get the best research opportunities, they will be able to achieve the highest stages of Bloom's taxonomy.

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How does the curriculum of your College ensure the best practices of industry?

"Our curriculum is a perfect blend of latest courses, extracurricular activities and events"

The curriculum of our college is more rooted towards understanding than remembering and industries also require that newcomers should have enough practical exposure and experiences. Also, we draft and update the curriculum of our college by including best programs and practices of the academic and industrial world and also the extracurricular activities which are required to inculcate the leadership, honesty and determination like skills in students. We even organize different kinds of workshops to improve the communication and technical skills of our students so that they can grow professionally as well as personally.

Being an Assistant Professor of the college, what is your philosophy of leadership?

"A leader in my opinion should be able to take risks, handle people of different mindset and give equal opportunities to everyone"

According to me, Leadership is the ability to take initiative and work collaboratively to achieve the set goals. And as an Assistant Professor of the institute, I listen to others' queries patiently and carefully and I always remain open to suggestions coming from my team. Also, I firmly believe that a true leader is able to handle criticism in the perfect possible way because welcoming criticism with a whole heart is very essential for growth. Apart from this, a leader is the one who gives equal importance and opportunities to the team and knows how to walk on untrodden paths and take calculated risks.

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Any suggestions which you would like to give to the current youth and aspiring students?

"Don't get addicted to social media and make best use of your time by doing constructive work"

In today's time, youths are addicted to social media and spend an unnecessary amount of time there be it Facebook, Instagram or any other app. So I would like to advise them to reduce the time they spend on various social media sites and apps because for those big giants, they are just a commodity. So be cautious, and use social media for constructive purposes and not to mindlessly scroll things. Also, human values are getting deteriorated day by day and money is becoming more important than humanity, so be a good citizen for your society as well as nation and live your life to the fullest.