
St. Mary's Technical Campus

Mr. Ranjan Banarjee is the HOD CSE at St. Mary's Technical Campus. He has an experience of more than eight years and brings with him a different perspective and approach to teach. He believes that competition is with self, i.e, to make yourself better everyday. Read here what he has to say in his interview.

What are your roles and responsibilities towards the students?

“It is an opportunity to guide students in helping them leading a happy and prosperous life”

To prepare the students to become a complete package which the different industries are always looking for is one of the primary concern today as it is observed that before joining the industry the students lack the required skills, a complete package includes sound technical knowledge along-with the combination of pleasing personality, attitude with positive vibes and good communication skills. The main reason for not grabbing a good job is the lack of becoming a complete package as the companies are also looking for people who will represent them and maintain their reputation. To lead, manage and develop the department to ensure it achieves the highest possible standards of excellence in all its activities. 

How do you tend to establish healthy relations with the students and fellow faculty?

“It is essential to develop a mutual understanding by working together”

I always try to teach my students and fellow faculty to understand the universal human values and ethics. It directs us to live a life having the right understanding for maintaining healthy relationships both on a personal as well as professional level. Happiness is equivalent to a state of harmony. Right understanding and right feeling lead to happiness.

How do you try to bring in a practical approach towards subjects and make it industry oriented?

“There is a huge gap between the academics and industry requirements”

In reality, theoretical knowledge is the base for the practical application. Getting good marks in the examinations opens the door, but the time you can stay inside and work solely depends on your practical knowledge to implement. For this, we have taken the necessary steps by arranging internships in companies, guest lectures by industry experts and conducting industrial visits. The alumni association delivers lectures about their thoughts on the current state of curriculum and what changes are required by the industry. Majority of the theory classes which can be related to practical are taken and explained by using practical approaches.

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How do you strategize the curriculum and how often it gets updated to make it befitting for the students?

“It is essential to provide experiential learning”

The curriculum is developed by the experts keeping in mind a general and universally accepted procedure but when it comes for real application and teaching it is not always advisable to follow it as it is. My primary aim is to make the students understand the concepts, and for that, any mode of communication can be used. Curriculum gets updated as and when needed as per the industry requirements. Apart from that, various seminars, workshops are also conducted.

How does your department prepare students for placements?

“Understanding the requirement of the industry is imperative”

It is a generalized saying that there are no jobs or very less number of jobs as per the requirement, but I would rather say that there is always a job available for the right candidate having the required skills. The persons not getting jobs are either incompetent to match the industry requirements or not being able to develop themselves as a complete package. Companies are just names, but their representatives are their employees and stakeholders. We are developing the student to match the overall requirement of the industry both technically and by understanding human values. Students are always encouraged to go for higher education, but on the other hand, work experience is essential as well. It is imperative to remove the fresher tag.

How do you help your student to cope up with the competition being so high in the outside world?

“The competition is with self, to improve and become a better individual”

Compete with yourself rather than with others”- this is what is communicated to them throughout the course. If you are satisfied with your performance and make yourself always updated, you will automatically be competent. Students are always informed about the latest updates, and various motivational and inspirational speeches are also delivered by the departmental faculties and experts from outside along-with technical development. 

How does the department enhance the skills of the faculty and prepare them according to the industry standards?

“We ensure faculty undergo the best possible training in order to develop the required skills”

Faculties are encouraged to do research activities and quality improvement programs, to attend Short Term Training Program (STTP), Faculty Development programs (FDP) from centrally recognized institutes to enhance their knowledge so that they can propagate their knowledge to the students as much as possible. Several facilities are provided by the college to motivate the faculties to attend the programs mentioned above. Seminars and Workshops are also arranged for the same.

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What valuable advice would you like to the students for them to have a prosperous career ahead?

“Explore the opportunities and domain you want to be in”

Always try to be a complete package to be the best. Compete with yourself and never stop learning. Always keep your eyes and ears open as there are loads of opportunities around you, but due to lack of consciousness, we miss it. Jobs are always there for the right person. Be a leader rather than becoming a follower.