Dr. M Viswanathaiah is currently working as Prof. and Principal at IFIM (Autonomous) College, Bangalore. He comes with a rich academic experience spanning over three decades as an educational professional at several prestigious B-Schools across the country. He also holds certification in Supply chain Management from IIM, Kozhikode and is a peer reviewer for South Asian Quality Systems (SAQS) of EFMD, ASCI, Hyderabad. He holds ISO auditor certification from BVQI, Bangalore Branch. He has published extensively in refereed research journals, and has organized various National and International conferences and workshops as well. 

IFIM College

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

“The possibilities, scope and synergies created by ‘Greater professional interactions and knowledge establishment”

The academic and societal impact of Interactions with peers, research, and development, innovations and dynamic changes in academics to make it more student centric has always been a pull factor for me in the education sector. 

In your experience, what can an inbound student gain from studying here?

“A clear roadmap for research and activities”

IFIM being one of the higher education institutions has evolved a clear roadmap for research activities both for the faculty members and for the students. Our approach is to nurture holistic, socially responsible and continuously employable individuals. To realise the set mission, apart from curriculum delivery, IFIM College has introduced unique interventions such as Personality Enhancement Program (PEP) to enhance personality and communication skills, Research Incubation (RI) to imbibe problem solving techniques, Corporate Mentoring (CM) to establish a strong industry connect and Social Immersion Program (SIP) to expose them to the social system and make them as socially responsible and accountable. Our academic ecosystem blends classroom experience, hands on problem solving and experiential learning to create best outcomes that are valued by the industry.

How does the curriculum of IFIM ensure the best practice of industry?

“Bestowing potential expertise in course design and regular upgradation”

The curriculum at IFIM has been designed after extensive research and consultation with key stakeholders of Industry 4.0, in partnership with National Human Resource Development Network (NHRDN) so as to best serve the socio-economic needs and fill the gap in skill development. Learning Goals and Competencies for each program have been defined based on the identified learning needs and our mission of nurturing holistic, socially responsible, and continuously employable professionals. The curriculum is constantly updated to keep it seamlessly sync the past, the present and the future under the supervision of the Board of Studies (BOS) and Academic Council comprising eminent academicians and industry experts. We implement the academic calendar as designed by the various authorities, be it for learning, research, application of the knowledge for the good of the students, and for the placement of the students. 

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What do you think should be the institution’s top priority over the next 10 years?

“Improving academic performance and student success”

We are committed to support a rich and diverse classroom experience and culture that fuels a passion for lifetime learning and increases the relevance of instruction to student needs both personally and in the workplace. We aspire to exercise due diligence to ensure that we provide an excellent academic curriculum based on sound analysis of the needs of industry and employer

 We are working to improve educational attainment levels by enhancing the ease of access to higher education and assisting students in identifying life and academic goals and to plan pathways to attain those goals. We are embracing technologies and most contemporary and relevant and most impactful modes of delivery that can be successfully utilized by students. Our aim is not only to produce fresh knowledge from the research for the purposes of curriculum revision and dissemination, but also to expose our students to the social and economic ground realities of society so that they evolve into socially responsible citizens. 

What do you see as IFIM’s greatest strengths?

“Better strategic applicability and proficient professionals”

I have identified four important strengths in IFIM. First is the academic environment with freedom to undertake academic activities and initiatives relevant to its stakeholders. Second, its preparedness to embrace new innovations at all levels of teaching and learning. Third, we follow a non-interference of the administrative bodies to the academic activities, especially in designing and executing ambitious endeavours and in accomplishing them. Lastly, student centric vision and mission, action plans, strategies and management.

In addition, we possess highly qualified, experienced, high calibre faculty member to drive the initiatives and learning forward. 

Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth?

“Think different, have fun and learn from failures”

Try and explore new ideas without bringing your old ideas along for the ride. Never reject ideas just because you will not agree with them. Examine and study thoughts before setting them aside. Stand out to be heard. Remember your learning will not always come from your books and professors. You will constantly need to remind yourself about the importance of having a good balance of seriousness and enjoyment in your life. Practice the art of asking good questions. It starts with being a good listener. Be curious about everything and do not fear failure. This is also a key source for your learning.

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What are some plans you are currently designing for IFIM’s international affairs?

“Exchange programs and offering scholarships to elevate international approaches”

We are committed to build a portfolio of global partnerships through the development of sustainable and mutually beneficial alliances with highly acclaimed academic institutions. These partnerships bring many benefits to faculty and students alike and extend and enhance IFIM’s global reach and reputation. Student and faculty exchange, collaborative research and sharing of best practises are some of the benefits of these partnerships which are in offing. Also, we are exploring international admissions of students for our courses at the UG and PG Level through government scholarships and sponsorships from our neighbouring nations. An exclusive cell would be entrusted or mechanisms to enhance the international students’ presence in the campus.