Mr. Soumyakanta Balabantaray is the Director at United School of Business Management. He talks about his dream to create a state of art techno managerial platform for the students in his Interview. He has spent considerable time in the education system and thus emphasizes on students building skills and developing a fascination for learning. He moves on to share the marketing aspects of the institution. He shares that the capacity for nurturing the budding leaders and technocrats does real marketing for educational institutions. The institution aims to attract several corporate houses from all over the world. Also, the academic board plays a vital role. The academic board suggests several incorporations in the syllabus to sharpen the skills of the students. In the later segment of the interview he talks about the biggest challenges that lay across the journey. He shares that less employment diverts students from higher education.
My dream has been to create a state of the art techno-managerial platform for the students
Education sector in our country is facing several challenges. The challenges become more prominent when we compare it with the other players abroad. There was a time when students from other countries came to India and stayed here as scholars. The irony is that our students now throng foreign universities as they feel confused about their career growth here. I was born and brought up in Bhubaneswar, which has become the hub of education, particularly professional education and I feel proud that now students from everywhere come here in search of opportunities. My dream has been to create a state of the art techno-managerial platform for the students here. This passion has encouraged me to be associated with the education sector. It is heartening that the institutions here have proved themselves in every field of knowledge production and its utilization.
Inspiring minds and encouraging a positive environment is the quality of an effective leader
I think a leader inspires others to be different. Honing the skills and competencies of all the people you are working with is the hallmark of a true leader. So the objective of leadership should be to create leaders and not followers. I believe in the competencies of the people I work with. We always consider our organization USBM to be a family and work democratically with an open-door policy. We extend our support and cooperation to all our stakeholders whenever they approach us.
Our capacity for nurturing the budding leaders and technocrats does our marketing
We are running Post Graduate courses in Management and Computer Application. Our capacity for nurturing the budding leaders and technocrats does our marketing. Thus our students are our ambassadors. However, our Academic Council and Board of Governors show us the way through their valuable suggestions. We have dedicated professors coordinating the matters related to the academics, administration, and placement under the guidance of the Principal.
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In the age of globalization we believe in inclusive growth
Bhubaneswar has attracted several corporate houses from all over the world. In this context, we can provide vast opportunities to our students. We do not have any dearth of exposure which the students expect. In spite of certain bottlenecks, we have been able to provide the best possible exposure to our students. Through our innovatively designed study tours, industry visits, internships and entrepreneurial programmes, our students can face all the challenges that life offers. Our professors with their academic and industry expertise help wholeheartedly with their capacity building. However, we are still evolving and trying our best to chase their aspirations.
Our academic board suggests several incorporations in the syllabus to sharpen the skills of the students
As the curriculum is designed by the university, we do not have so much control over that. Besides, the university revises the curriculum periodically. However, our Academic Board suggests several incorporations into the syllabus to sharpen the skills of the students as per the industry requirements. Students also go for the ‘beyond syllabus’ categories with a lot of interest.
Because of the changes taking place around you, your definition of success keep changing
Initially I was interested in building a good institute with all the necessary infrastructures in our state. This initial idea was bound to change in due course because of the changes taking place around you; and yes, we have moved from one milestone to another with untiring zeal. My vision is to make this institute a worthy one that will promote innovation and excellence in techno-managerial education. As I said before, a progressive realization stimulates me to move from one stage to the other.
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Less employment diverts students from higher education
To provide employment is the biggest challenge before higher education. Particularly after this pandemic situation matters may get worse, though temporarily. Less employment diverts students from higher education. Another challenge may be a lack of talented professors as bright students normally opt for the jobs where more money is involved. Thus, they shun teaching as a profession. This is a challenge every stakeholder should think about. It is good that the government is trying to bring the best brains to the mass through digital platforms like SWAYAM.